For the money between husband and wife, including family, everything belongs to the common property of husband and wife. Even if one party doesn't spend money, the rest of the money is shared by the husband and wife. There must be some money for husband and wife to spend separately, but for most families in China, there is no need to separate, because the money earned by both parties will be spent more or less every month. If one party spends a lot, it means that he spends a lot of money, so everyone thinks it is unnecessary.
Some people think that couples should not attach too much importance to money, which will hurt their feelings. Although money is a good thing, it can also cause bad feelings. We can't live without money, but we can't live without money For both husband and wife, we choose to put a lot of money in the same account, so that both husband and wife can spend it every month. As long as the money is not pooled, as long as the husband and wife reach an agreement, they can live happily and comfortably.
Regarding the places where money is spent, every place will involve the amount of money. This matter can be discussed with each other in advance. This is also a respect for each other and makes him feel that he is respected in this family. This is not a shameful thing. Since two people are married, they should trust and respect each other.
Sometimes wives don't really want to interfere with each other's wages too much. She just wants to find her own sense of existence in this family and think that you treat her as a wife at home. Therefore, as a husband, you should take the initiative to hand in your salary. This is also a smart approach, and there will be fewer contradictions about money in life.