What are the main occupational hazards in coal mines?
Main occupational hazards and occupational diseases in coal mines The working conditions in underground coal mines are harsh, with many occupational hazards and many people engaged in occupational diseases. Occupational hazards mainly include dust, noise, vibration, harmful gases, productive chemical poisons, high temperature and humidity, and bad posture labor. Occupational diseases mainly include dust disease, noise deafness, local vibration disease, occupational poisoning (such as carbon monoxide poisoning) and synovitis. 1. Productive dust Productive dust is the main occupational hazard factor in coal mines. In the process of underground production, a lot of dust, including rock dust and coal dust, will be produced. Workers working in the environment with excessive rock dust for a long time may cause silicosis; Workers working in an environment with excessive coal dust for a long time may cause coal lung disease. 2. Harmful Gases There may be excessive harmful gases in the underground air, such as CH4, CO, CO2, nitrogen oxides and H2S. If ventilation is not strengthened in time, it will be diluted and taken away, which may cause personnel poisoning. 3. Unfavorable climatic conditions The basic characteristics of underground climatic conditions are large temperature difference, high humidity and high wind speed. Therefore, workers are prone to colds, upper respiratory tract infections or rheumatoid arthritis. 4. Bad working posture People who are engaged in operations in thin coal seams or tunnels with small heights can't stand and often kneel on the floor, causing local joints (entering the knee joint) to be strongly oppressed and rubbed for a long time, causing synovitis, which has been listed as a statutory occupational disease recognized by the state; In addition, underground employees bend over for a long time, which is easy to cause lumbar spondylosis; The underground space is small, and underground employees often kowtow, which is easy to cause cervical spondylosis. 5. Noise and vibration With the continuous improvement of coal mine mechanization, productive noise and vibration are more and more harmful to employees. Rock drills, drilling rigs, coal cutters, boring machines, conveyors, crushers, air compressors, water pumps, local ventilators, locomotives, blasting, etc. can all produce huge noise; Sometimes noise and vibration are more harmful at the same time. Noise can cause noise-induced deafness, and the common ear miscellaneous "development" of underground workers-that is, the hearing is obviously reduced, and the vibration department causes local vibration diseases. 6. Radioactive substances in coal mines, radioactive substances (such as radon) and their daughters are often higher than the ground, which affects the health of employees for another generation. Some units (coal preparation plants, etc. The use of some radioactive substances in the production process will do great harm to human body if it is not properly managed.