The following is the main list of federal government agencies in the United States:
1 administrative department
1. 1 President's Office
1.2 Ministry of Agriculture
1.3 Ministry of Commerce
1.4 Ministry of Defence
1.5 Ministry of Education
1.6 Ministry of Energy
1.7 Ministry of Health and Human Services
1.8 Department of Homeland Security
1.9 Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
1. 10 Ministry of the Interior
1. 1 1 Ministry of Justice
1. 12 Ministry of Labor
1. 13 the State Council
1. 14 Ministry of Transport
1. 15 Ministry of Finance
1. 16 Department of Veterans Affairs
1. 17 Independent organization
1. 18 quasi-federal organization
Take the United States Department of Defense as an example (the Pentagon). The following is a list of its branches:
Minister's office
Advisory Committee of national defense policy Committee
Network evaluation office
Attorney general's office
National defense criminal investigation and management agency
service sectors
United States army war department
Admiralty-US Navy and US Marine Corps
Air Force Department-United States Air Force
Joint operations command
Central command
European command
African command
Joint forces command
Northern command
Pacific command
Southern command
Special operations command
Strategic command
Transport headquarters
National defense agency
Defense advanced research projects agency
Defense material supply bureau
Defense contract audit bureau
Defense contract administration
Defense finance and accounting administration
Defense information systems agency
Defense intelligence agency
Defense legal service bureau
Defense logistics agency
Defense security cooperation bureau
National defense security management organization
Defense threat reduction agency
Missile defense agency
National security agency
National reconnaissance office
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
Naval criminal investigation and administration
Pentagon Army Protection Agency
Pentagon police
Department of defense field activities
United States Military Information Administration
Office of War Records
Activities in the field of counterintelligence
Office of Prisoners of War/Missing Persons, Ministry of Defence
Educational activities of the Ministry of National Defense
Schools under the Ministry of National Defense
National defense human resources activities
Office of economic regulation
Medical management activities of the three armed forces
Washington headquarters management organization
Department of Homeland Security (another powerful department in the United States)
The United States Coast Guard (which may also become part of the Department of Defense for special reasons)
National Cyber Security Bureau
Environmental measurement laboratory
United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement
United States Federal Security Administration
United States Citizenship and Immigration Service
Immigration statistics bureau
Customs and border protection
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal law enforcement training center
united states secret service
State and local government coordination and preparation office
Transportation safety administration
National communication system
List of branches of the Ministry of Justice (including the Federal Bureau of Investigation):
Antitrust department
Property confiscation plan
Bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives
civil administration department
Civil rights division
Community-oriented public security management organization
Community relationship management organization
Criminal chamber
Entertainment control plan
Drug enforcement bureau
Division of Environment and Natural Resources
Immigration inspection executive office
Acting executive office of the United States
American trustee executive office
International training center
Public security office
Federal Beaureau of Investigation
Federal prison service
Foreign Claims Settlement Board
United States Citizenship and Immigration Service
Customs and border protection
Interpol National Central Bureau of the United States
Department of judicial administration
United States Maritime Safety Administration
National Crime Information Center
National drug intelligence center
National Institute of Corrections
Office of the national detention trustee
Attorney general's office
Office of intelligence policy and inspection
Intergovernmental and public liaison offices
Judicial project office
Judicial aid bureau
Judicial statistics bureau
Community accommodation development office
National Criminal Justice Reference Office
National Institute of Justice
Office of Juvenile Justice and Crime Prevention
Crime victim's office
Pardon agency office
Parole board
Police force office
Tribal justice office
Office of violence against women
Deputy minister's office
Department of taxation
American agents
In addition, the State Council also includes some powerful departments related to intelligence, security and counter-terrorism, such as the Diplomatic Security Bureau and the Counter-Terrorism Office. The following is a list:
US State Department
executive board
Bureau of African affairs
Consular bureau
Office of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour
Diplomatic security bureau
Office of diplomatic missions
East Asia and Pacific Affairs Bureau
Bureau of Economic and Commercial Affairs
Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs
Internet access and training program
European and Eurasian affairs bureau
Human resources bureau
Information resources management bureau
Bureau of information and research
International hallucinogens and law enforcement agency
Bureau of international organization affairs
Bureau of International Security and Non-proliferation
Legislative affairs bureau
Near East Affairs Bureau
Bureau of marine and international environmental and scientific affairs
Overseas construction and operation bureau
Political and military affairs bureau
Population, Refugees and Immigration Bureau
Public affairs bureau
Resource management bureau
South Asian affairs bureau
Verification, Compliance and Enforcement Council
Western hemisphere affairs bureau
Counter-terrorism office
National Foreign Affairs Training Center (former Foreign Affairs College)
International information project office
Office of Legal Counsel
Management policy office
Protocol office
Office of scientific and technical adviser
Office of Monitoring and Combating Human Trafficking
Office of War Crimes
The CIA is an independent agency and is not affiliated with any of the above departments.
Organizations like the CIA are:
Independent organization
National health and insurance system
African Development Foundation
Historical protection advisory Committee
International development bureau
American War Sites Committee
American company
Appalachian regional Committee
American Arctic Research Council
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
American civil rights commission
Committee for Security and Cooperation in Europe
Commodity futures trading commission
Consumer product safety Committee
National and community service companies
Court service and criminal supervision bureau
Delaware River Basin Commission
Environmental protection agency
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
export import bank of the unitedstates
Farm credit bureau
Federal Communications Commission [United States]
Federal deposit insurance corporation
Federal Election Commission
federal maritime commission,fmc
Federal mine safety and health inspection Committee
Federal Reserve System [USA]
Federal retirement and investment protection board
United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
American Foreign Claims Settlement Board
General affairs bureau
Institute of Museum and Library Services
American foundation
International Trade Commission
Learning and serving America
National aeronautics and space administration
National Archives and Records Bureau
National Capital Planning Commission
National bureau of credit cooperatives
National art donation
National humanistic donation
National ice center
National labor relations Committee
National railway passenger transport company (American national railway passenger transport company)
National science foundation
National transportation research center
national transportation safety board
Nuclear regulatory commission
Office of government ethics
Personnel management office
Peace corps
Pension guarantee company
United States postal service
United States Postal Inspection Service
Attorney general's office
United States postal police
Postal regulations Committee
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Military service system
Small enterprise bureau
Social security bureau
Sasquehanna River Basin Committee
Tennessee river basin bureau
United States Trade and Development Bureau
Hehe, I hope so many departments won't make you dizzy ...