Haha, the external value of the RMB is reflected in its exchange rate. The current international monetary system is the Jamaica Agreement, which means a floating exchange rate. Currently, our country implements a package of monetary policies. According to other Adjust your own exchange rate based on the value of your currency. In the previous Bretton Woods system, that is, when exchange rates were fixed, the value of currencies was determined by agreements between several countries, which is what you call a final decision. A country cannot control its own currency. This situation generally does not occur. Only some small countries use dollarization, which means they do not have their own currency.
The key is to understand whether the Chinese government says that if 6 yuan is exchanged for one U.S. dollar, it is 6 yuan for one U.S. dollar, and if 8 yuan is exchanged for one U.S. dollar, it is 8 yuan for one U.S. dollar. Then won’t other countries that have trade relations with China oppose or influence China’s monetary policy?
The current situation is that the exchange rates of various countries are basically linked to the US dollar. If the exchange rate of the US dollar against the RMB changes, their exchange rate with the RMB will also change, which requires an agreement between countries. . .