Ata exam questions are different every year. China Banking Association is responsible for the implementation of the banking qualification examination. The computer test questions of the examination question bank system are compiled by the examiner and updated every year. In the official computer examination system, the test questions are randomly selected according to the proportion of chapters to enter the formal examination mode, and will only be selected and confirmed in a very short time before the exam, and the test questions of each exam are different papers of the same value. The examination questions are randomly selected according to the proportion of chapters. Every year's exam questions are composed of the deformation of the main test sites in the textbook, and they are all the same.
The exam questions are different
For example, there are advanced and intermediate computers, hardware, graphics, office and so on. There is also the qualification examination for banking practitioners. In short, it is about qualification certification. The qualification examination for bank employees that has just passed this time includes multiple-choice questions, double-choice questions and judgment questions. Adopt the method of computer operation. The score can be displayed immediately.