English/? fju? t? (r)/. Beauty/? fju? t? r/.
Noun (abbreviation for noun) future; Future; Future things; What will happen in the future; Prospect; Future; Future; Futures; Future tense (of verbs), future tense, future tense
In the future; Future; What will happen in the future.
Plural number: futures.
That? Work? Will. Is it? Carrying it? Out? Where is it? Answer? Future? Dating. ?
This work will be completed in the future.
we? Need? Where to? Plan? For what? That? Future. ?
We need to make plans for the future.
Young? People? Today? Face? Answer? Very? Difficult? Future? Where is it? Work. ?
Today's young people face difficult employment prospects.
Me? Can't? Do you see it? Really? Future? Are you online? This? Relationship. ?
I don't see any future in this relationship.
What? Will. That? City? Yes? That? Future? See? Like what?
What will the future city look like?