The usage and phrases of forward are as follows:
Forward means:
1. adv. forward; in order; towards success; into Prominent position; toward the future; in advance; at (or toward) the bow of the ship.
2. adj. forward; (vehicle) in front; early; rapid; related to the future; reckless; in advance.
3. v. Send; forward; promote; transport.
4. n. (Sports team’s) forward; (currency) futures agreement.
5. n. (Forward) (American, Canadian, British, Australian) Forward (personal name).
forwards (adverb) does not directly follow a noun. If you want to add a noun, you must use a preposition.
1. forward rate [finance] forward exchange rate; forward bill exchange rate; forward exchange rate; forward interest rate.
2. put forward means to put forward; to release; to move forward.
3. forward declaration forward declaration; forward declaration; forward declaration; forward description.
4. Point forward: point forward; organization forward; before point; after point.
5. forward transaction forward transaction; [trade] futures transaction; forward foreign exchange transaction; forward foreign exchange purchase and sale.
6. Walter Forward.
7. forward price [price] futures price; forward price; futures price; ex post price.
8. Fast Forward; fast forward; fast forward; fastest forward.
9. Forward trading.