In commonly used analysis software, the red color on the real-time market display screen indicates that the real-time trading price of the stock is higher than the closing price of the previous trading day, the green color indicates that it is down, and the white color indicates that it is flat or suspended.
The white line in the stock index futures chart represents the trend of the weighted average stock price index (futures), which fully reflects the influence of the equity of each stock on the comprehensive index; The yellow line represents the arithmetic average stock price index, and the influence of each stock on the comprehensive index is treated equally; When the yellow line is higher than the white line, it means that small-cap stocks are much higher than large-cap stocks, on the contrary, it means that large-cap stocks are much higher than small-cap stocks. In the stock price chart, the white line represents the trend of the actual transaction price of a stock, and the yellow line represents the trend of the average transaction price of the stock since the opening of the day.