Volume-refers to the number of shares traded on that day. In general, stocks with large turnover and rising prices are often better. When the trading volume continues to be low, it usually appears in the bear market or stock consolidation stage, and the market is not active. Volume is an important basis for judging the stock trend and analyzing the main behavior.
Investors should pay close attention to stocks with abnormal trading volume. Among them, the total number of hands is the total number of hands traded in this stock so far, and the current number of hands is the number of shares just traded. The unit is shares or hands. Volume can be drawn by time-sharing, daily, weekly or even monthly charts. General market analysis software, the big picture above is the main picture, and the two small pictures below, one of which is the volume or volume.
Beginners can read some books on K-line, such as Japanese candle map, and learn the basic knowledge of technical analysis. With the application of K-line and EMA, we can learn stock knowledge and operation skills with a simulation disk of Niu Gubao, which will be helpful for future profits in the stock market. I wish you a happy investment!