More importantly, it is very important to predict the exact direction and position of firm trading, and the operation strategy including stop loss is very important. It is a trading profit model that short-term investors like to swim in the waves and get the price difference between silver and silver.
Unilateral market: when the market goes out of the volatile market, it begins to rise or fall unilaterally. However, we have been in a volatile market for a long time, and we can't adapt to it for a while, so we can't accurately judge whether the market has turned around. At this time, although the market has turned around, it is still in its infancy and still hesitates, always rising or falling in a volatile way. At this time, KD and CCI can be used to accurately judge and follow up in time. At this time, although the KD value is still changing from 80 to 20 as always. But at this time, the CCI value is magically only above 0 (when it rises unilaterally) or below 0 (when it falls unilaterally). The index value will not fluctuate up and down synchronously with KD value.
Because the unilateral trend will last for some time, the fluctuation curve of CCI value will always run above 0 (when it rises unilaterally) or below 0 (when it falls unilaterally).
Unilateral market is relatively easy to make money, as long as you can grasp the general direction, but one thing to remember is that you should never try to guess the bottom and find the perfect deal. No one can firmly grasp the end of the market. For most people, being able to grasp the body of the market and make money is already a good result. In a volatile market, the stop loss should be appropriately enlarged due to the drastic market fluctuation.
Regarding the unilateral operation strategy, you can pay attention to Kaifu Jinye, a team of professional analysts online to help investors control the risks under the general trend and call for orders around the clock.