1. What information is 1069195561?
1069195561 is the SMS service number of Industrial Bank.
Industrial Bank’s existing SMS service numbers are: 95561, 106980095561, and 1069195561 SMS service numbers. The signature of the text message is Industrial Bank, which is located at the beginning of the text message. The number 1069195561 was activated on February 5, 2018, and will send marketing text messages, notification text messages, etc. to users. If you have any questions, you can call 95561.
2. Introduction to Industrial Bank.
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., referred to as "Industrial Bank", was established in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province in 1988. It is one of the first batch of joint-stock commercial banks approved by the State Council and the People's Bank of China, and the first in China. Equator Bank, according to official announcement, has a registered capital of 20.174 billion yuan.
Banking areas: With banks as the main body, it covers trust, financial leasing, funds, futures, asset management, consumer finance, research consulting, digital finance and other fields. Listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2007 (stock code: 601166).
Business scope of Industrial Bank
The main business scope of Industrial Bank (stock code 601166): absorbing public deposits; issuing short-term, medium-term and long-term loans; handling domestic and foreign settlements; handling bill acceptance and Discounting; issuance of financial bonds; agency issuance, redemption, and underwriting of government bonds; buying and selling of government bonds and financial bonds; agency issuance of securities other than stocks; buying and selling, and agency buying and selling of securities other than stocks; asset custody business; engaging in inter-bank lending ; Buying and selling, acting as an agent for buying and selling foreign exchange; settling and selling foreign exchange; engaging in bank card business (providing letter of credit services and guarantees; acting as an agent for collection and payment and insurance; providing safe deposit box services; financial advisory, credit investigation, consulting, and witnessing services; Other businesses approved by the banking regulatory authority of the State Council.