CPI consumer price index is a set of fixed commodities calculated according to the ratio of current period to base period.
PPI producer price index, which is used to measure raw materials and intermediate inputs, is also a given group of commodities;
Another GDP deflator is the GDP deflator, which is a measure of the price level calculated by the ratio of nominal GDP to real GDP.
There is also an inflation rate missing, according to the definition of inflation (Pt-Pt- 1)/Pt- 1.
(t- 1 is a subscript)
In the current economic restructuring, the United States, Europe and Japan are still implementing quantitative easing and economic stimulus policies, and the following unconventional countermeasures should be taken to combat inflation:
First of all, continue to promote economic restructuring, accelerate the layout of strategic emerging industries and form industrial chains, maintain or accelerate the original economic development speed, so that the demand for capital preservation and appreciation can be met, and artificially reducing the economic development speed may aggravate inflation.
Second, continue to promote the slow appreciation of the RMB, form a reasonable exchange rate fluctuation space, and increase and accelerate foreign investment.
Third, continue to treat industry investment and major projects differently, and use policy support to expand investment in important consumer goods and scarce areas such as agricultural products and real estate. Continue to selectively expand investment.
Fourth, raise the price of resources, raise the price of labor, expand domestic demand, and the external demand is weak. We will tighten foreign capital's asset acquisition and general investment in China, tighten foreign investment and speculative real estate, and continue to strictly control the entry and exit of foreign exchange speculative funds under capital.
Fifth, because inflation has reduced the living standards of some working-class and low-income groups, subsidies should be increased, forcing the wage growth rate of working-class and subsidies of low-income groups to be higher than inflation.
Sixth, use the central reserve to ensure market supply; Improve the price environment, promote price stability, and implement temporary price-intervention measures for important daily necessities and means of production when necessary; Strengthen supervision and maintain market order; Strengthen the supervision of agricultural futures and electronic trading markets, curb excessive speculation and ban illegal transactions.
Seventh, promote the prosperity of the stock market, speed up the construction of financial markets, build a pool of funds, absorb the funds withdrawn from the real estate market and foreign hot money, so that the demand for capital preservation and appreciation can be met, which is also conducive to promoting the rapid development of finance, making financial markets such as the stock market, the Growth Enterprise Market and the futures market become good pools for investment funds and consumption funds, and better absorbing the current excess liquidity.