Bottom-seeking and roof-escaping indicators:
Bottom-hunting escape index: RSI 1: = SMA (Max (close-LC, 0), 13, 1)/SMA (ABS (close-LC), 13,1) */.
n:= 30; m:= 13;
LC := REF (closing price,1);
RSI 1:=SMA(MAX(CLOSE-LC,0), 13, 1)/SMA(ABS(CLOSE-LC), 13, 1)* 100;
A4:=((C-LLV(L,33))/(HHV(H,33)-LLV(L,33)))* 67;
VAR22:=LLV (low,10);
VAR33:=HHV (high, 25);
Power cord: EMA ((close-var 22)/(var 33-var 22) * 4,4);
RSV:=(C-LLV(L,9))/(HHV(H,9)-LLV(L,9))* 100;
PP 10 1:=SMA(RSV,3, 1);
PP 102:= SMA(PP 10 1,3, 1);
PP 103:= 3 * PP 10 1-2 * PP 102;
STICKLINE (power cord >; 0 and ISLASTBAR and ((PP103 >; PP 10 1 and PP 1 03pp1kloc-0/), 20,80,0,1), COLORGRAY.
STICKLINE (power cord >; =0.2, power line < 0.5, ISLASTBAR and ((PP103 >; PP 10 1 and PP 1 03pp1kloc-0/), 20,35,2,1), COLORGRAY{ pay attention to the bottom, gray}
STICKLINE (power cord >; =0.5 and power line < 1.75, and ISLASTBAR and ((PP103 > PP 10 1 and PP103pp1kloc-0/), 35,50,2,0), COLORYELLOW{ buy at the bottom as appropriate, yellow}
STICKLINE (power cord >; = 1.75 and power cord
STICKLINE (power cord >; =3.2 and power line < 3.45, and ISLASTBAR and ((PP103 >; PP 10 1 and PP103pp1kloc-0/), 65,72,2,0), colored {stage sales, pink}
STICKLINE (power cord >; =3.45 and ISLASTBAR, 72,80,2,0) and PP 103.
Adhesion line (PP 103
{The following is shown in the second line above}
STICKLINE (power cord >; 0 and ((PP103 >; PP 10 1 and PP 1 03pp1kloc-0/), 95,94,1,0), COLORGRAY.
STICKLINE (power cord >; =0.2 and power line < 0.5 and ((PP103 >; PP 10 1 and PP103pp1kloc-0/), 95,92,3,0), COLORGRAY{ pay attention to the bottom, gray}
STICKLINE (power cord >; =0.5 and the power line < 1.75 and ((PP103 >; PP 10 1 and PP 1 03pp1kloc-0/), 95,94,1,0), COLORYELLOW{ buy at the bottom as appropriate, yellow}
STICKLINE (power cord >; = 1.75 and power cord
STICKLINE (power cord >; =3.2 and the power line < 3.45 and ((PP103 >; PP 10 1 and PP103pp1kloc-0/), 95,92,3,0), colored {stage sales, pink}
STICKLINE (power cord >; = 3.45,95,92,3,0) and PP 103
Adhesion line (PP 103
VAR 1:=(HHV (high, 9)- closing) /(HHV (high, 9)-LLV (low, 9)) *100-70;
VAR2:=SMA(VAR 1,9, 1)+ 100;
VAR3:=(CLOSE-LLV (low, 9))/(HHV (high, 9)-LLV (low, 9)) *100;
VAR4:=SMA(VAR3,3, 1);
VAR5:=SMA(VAR4,3, 1)+ 100;
var 6:= var 5-var 2;
Trend: IF(var 6>;; 45,VAR6-45,0);
Adhesion line (REF (trend, 1)
STICKLINE(REF (trend, 1)>; Trend,trend,REF (trend, 1),2,0),COLORGREEN
Strength limit: =50, COLORFFFFCC
Bottom: =0,COLOR00FFFF
Security: = 20,colorffaa66,line thick 1;
Early warning: = 80, color ffaa66, line thickness1;
Top: = 100,COLORFFFF33
V 1:=LLV (low,10);
Price line: = EMA ((c-v1)/(v2-v1) * 4,4);
{DRAWTEXT(CROSS (price line, 0.3), 20+4,' ● buy'), colored}
DRAWTEXT(CROSS(3.5, price line), 1 10-4,' ● sell'), COLORWHITE.
VAR2Q:=REF (low,1);
VAR3Q:=SMA(ABS (low -VAR2Q), 3 1)/SMA(MAX (low -VAR2Q, 0), 31) *100;
VAR4Q:=EMA(IF(CLOSE* 1.3,VAR3Q* 10,VAR3Q/ 10),3);
VAR5Q:=LLV (low, 30);
VAR7Q:=IF(MA(CLOSE,58), 1,0);
VAR8Q:= EMA(IF(LOW & lt; =VAR5Q,(VAR4Q+VAR6Q*2)/2,0),3)/6 18 * VAR7Q;
VAR9Q:= IF(VAR8Q & gt; 100, 100,VAR8Q);
AA3:=(HHV (high, 2 1)- closing) /(HHV (high, 2 1)-LLV (low, 21)) *10.
AA4:=(CLOSE-LLV (low, 2 1))/(HHV (high, 2 1)-LLV (low, 21)) *100;
AA5:=SMA(AA4, 13,8);
Trend: = ceiling (SMA(AA5,13,8));
AA6:=SMA(AA3,2 1,8);
Sales criticality: adhere to the line (trend-AA6 & gt;; 85, 103, 100, 15, 1),COLORRED,LINETHICK2
Main line: 3 * SMA ((closing -LLV (low, 27))/(HHV (high, 27)-LLV (low, 27)) *100,5, 1)-2 *
SMA(SMA((CLOSE-LLV (low, 27))/(HHV (high, 27)-LLV (low, 27))* 100, 5, 1), 3, 1), LINETHICK2.
Ultra-short line: = ((main line -LLV (main line, 2 1))/(HHV (main line, 2 1)-LLV (main line, 2 1)) * (4)) * (25), line thickness 2.
VAR 1 1:=REF ((low+on+off+high) /4,1);
var 2 1:= SMA(ABS(LOW-var 1 1), 13, 1)/SMA(MAX(LOW-var 1 1,0), 10, 1);
VAR3 1:=EMA(VAR2 1, 10);
VAR4 1:=LLV (low, 33);
var 5 1:= EMA(IF(LOW & lt; =VAR4 1,VAR3 1,0),3);
Main method: if (var 51> REF(VAR5 1, 1),VAR5 1,0),COLORRED,NODRAW
Adhesion line (var 51>; REF(VAR5 1, 1),0,VAR5 1,3,0),COLOR000055
Adhesion line (var 51>; REF(VAR5 1, 1),0,VAR5 1,2.6,0),COLOR000077
Adhesion line (var 51>; REF(VAR5 1, 1),0,VAR5 1,2. 1,0),COLOR000099
Adhesion line (var 51>; REF(VAR5 1, 1),0,VAR5 1, 1.5,0),COLOR0000BB
Adhesion line (var 51>; REF(VAR5 1, 1),0,VAR5 1,0.9,0),COLOR0000DD
Adhesion line (var 51>; REF(VAR5 1, 1),0,VAR5 1,0.3,0),COLOR0000FF
Washing dishes: IF(VAR5 1
Adhesion line (VAR5 1
Adhesion line (VAR5 1
Adhesion line (VAR5 1
Adhesion line (VAR5 1
Adhesion line (VAR5 1
Adhesion line (VAR5 1
var 12:= 3;
Var 28:=(3)*(SMA((CLOSE-LLV (low, 27))/(HHV (high, 27)-LLV (low), 27)) * (100), 5 1))-(.
{The stock price is ready to start: if (crosshair (var 28, var 1 1),100,0), colored, line thickness 2; }
SS 1:= (low+high+close * 2)/4;
SS2:= MA(SS 1,4);
SS3:=HHV(SS2, 10);
SS3,3 horse (SS3,3);
SS5:= 1.25 * SS4-0.25 * SS3;
XKKJ:= IF(SS5 & gt; SS3,SS3,SS5);
FF 1:=LLV(SS2, 10);
FF2:= Ma (FF 1, 3);
FF3:= 1.25 * FF2-0.25 * ff 1;
MA 13:=MA(C, 13);
ZDHM:=CROSS(C, DKKJ) and CROSS(C, MA 13) and CROSS(C, xkkj);
ZHM:=CROSS(C, MA 13) and CROSS(C, xkkj);
Big black horse: if (zdhm or zhm, 50,0), yellow color, line thickness 3;
Dynamic bottom: = EMA (if (l
RSV 1 1:= (closing -LLV (low, 19))/(HHV (high, 19)-LLV (low,19)) */kloc-.
K:=SMA(RSV 1 1,3, 1);
D:=SMA(K,3, 1);
j:= 3 * K-2 * D;
Short line: = EMA (j, 6), colored;
Floating chips: =MA (short line, 28) * 1, line thickness 2, color green;
Empty side: = Ma (100 * (HHV (high, 35)- closed) /(HHV (high, 35)-LLV (low, 35)), 3), yellow;
DRAWTEXT (cross) and short line < 36,20+4,' buy'), COLORLIBLUE
DRAWICON (cross) and short line < 36,20+4, 17), COLORBLUE, line thick1;
DRAWICON (cross), floating-point chip,16);
What articles are there about index bargain-hunting and top escape?
1. What are the skills of short-term foreign exchange operation?
2. What are the magic watching languages in stock market trading?