For FRM candidates with zero foundation, it is very helpful for the exam to understand relevant financial knowledge in advance and have a basic understanding of the financial structure. The editor of FRM has compiled a book list for candidates to read.
1. M&A expertise
1. Wang Mingfu "Investment Banking M&A Business"
2. J. Weston "Mergers, Reorganizations and Corporate Control" ", Economic Science Press, 1998
3. Simon Partner: Mergers and Acquisitions Manual, Huaxia Publishing House, 1999 2. Corporate strategy and management knowledge
4. Thomson, Stickland "Strategic Management"
Peking University Press:
5. Collis "Corporate Strategy - Enterprise Resources and Scope", Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2000.
6. Stephen P. Robbins, "Management", Renmin University of China Press, 1997 3. Economics Knowledge
7. Samuelson, "Economics" , Huaxia Publishing House, 1999
8. James R.McGuigan et al. "Managerial Economics", Machinery Industry Press 2001
9. Dennis Carlton, Jeffrey .Perov's "Modern Industrial Organization" (Volume 1 and 2), Shanghai Joint Publishing House, Shanghai People's Publishing House
10. Zhang Weiying, "Entrepreneurs of Enterprises-Contract Theory", Joint Publishing Shanghai Branch, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1995 4. Financial Engineering and Capital Market Knowledge 11. William Sharpe's "Portfolio Theory and Capital Market", Machinery Industry Press, 2001
12. "Financial Engineering" by John Marshall and others , Tsinghua University Press, 1998
13. Graham "Securities Analysis", Hainan Publishing House, 1999. 5. Financial management knowledge
14. "Corporate Finance" by Stephen A. Ross and others, Machinery Industry Press, 2000.
15. Bradford Connell, "Company Value Assessment - A Tool for Effective Assessment and Decision-making", Huaxia Publishing House, 2001.
16. Mark Grinblatt, Sheridan Titman, "Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy" (Second Edition), Tsinghua University Press, 2002 6. Legal Knowledge 17. "Company Law" Undergraduate or Postgraduate Textbook
p>18. "Principles of Civil Law" undergraduate or graduate textbook
19. Securities Law
20. Merger and Acquisition Law 7. Humanistic Qualities
21. "History of Chinese Philosophy"
22. "History of Western Philosophy"
23. "History of Chinese Literature"
Zhihu User 2
For beginners in finance, if you want to learn about derivatives pricing, I recommend "Options, Futures and Other Derivatives" by John. C. Hull. If you want to learn about corporate finance, I recommend "Corporate Finance" by Stephen A. Ross.