m:= 5;
VAR 1:=(CLOSE-LLV (low, 60))/(HHV (high, 60)-LLV (low, 60)) *100;
B:=SMA(VAR 1,N, 1);
VAR2:=SMA(B,M, 1);
Mar 1:=(2 * close+high+low+open)/5;
Height: 90, COLORGREEN
MAR2:=LLV (low, 34);
MAR3:=HHV (high, 34);
SK:= EMA((mar 1-mar 2)/(mar 3-mar 2)* 100, 13);
Adhesion line (SK & ltSD, SK, SD, 0.8,0), COLORCYAN
Adhesion line (SK & gtSD, SK, SD, 0.8, 1), COLORMAGENTA
Low suction: 20, dotted line, COLORYELLOW.
Short base: 10, colored;
Median value: b, NODRAW
Adhesion line (SK & gt=90 or b > =90,96, 10 1,4, 1),COLORYELLOW
STICKLINE(B& gt; = 90 and sk> = 90,96, 10 1, 4,0), COLORYELLOW.
Adhesion line (sk < =10 or b <; = 10,- 1,4,4, 1),COLORBLUE
STICKLINE(B& lt; = 10 and sk < =10,-1, 4,4,0), COLORBLUE.
STICKLINE((SK & lt; = 10 or b <; = 10) and b >; REF(B, 1) and SK & gtREF(SK, 1),-1, 4,4, 1), color7f00ff;
STICKLINE(B& lt; = 10 and sk < =10 and b >; REF(B, 1) and SK & gtREF(SK, 1),-1, 4,4,0), color7f00ff;
STICKLINE((SK & gt; =90 or b > =90) and b < REF(B, 1) and SK & ltREF(SK, 1), 96, 1 0/4,1), COLORWHITE.
STICKLINE(B& gt; = 90 and SK B& lt;=90 and b <; REF(B, 1) and SK & ltREF(SK, 1), 96,10/kloc-0, 4,0), COLORWHITE.
Total amount: amount/10000000, no lucky draw;
VAR 1:=AMOUNT/ ((high-low) *2-ABS (closing-opening));
Inflow billion: IF(CLOSE & gt;; OPEN, VAR 1* (height), if (close <; OPEN, VAR 1* (high opening)+(close-low opening), AMOUNT/2))/ 100000000, COLORRED, NODRAW.
Outflow billion: IF(CLOSE & gt;; OPEN, 0-VAR 1* (high closing)+(low opening)), if (close <; OPEN, 0-VAR 1* (height), 0- amount /2))/ 10000000, COLOR00FF00, NODRAW.
Difference: (inflow+outflow), NODRAW
Strong: = EMA ((close-ref (close, 1))/close * 10,2);
Main force: =EMA (difference, 1), color ff 00ff, line thickness 5;
Difference A: 3 * EMA (EMA (EMA (strong, 2), 2), 2), no draw;
Net flow: 3 * EMA (EMA (difference A, 1), 2), 2), colored, no draw;
Adhesion line (net flow)
Adhesion line (net flow)
Adhesion line (net flow)
Adhesion line (net flow)
Viscosity line (net flow >; 0,0, net flow, 4,0), COLOR000099
Viscosity line (net flow >; 0,0, net flow, 3,0), COLOR0000CC
Viscosity line (net flow >; 0,0, net flow,1.5,0), COLOR0000FF
Viscosity line (net flow >; 0,0, net flow, 0.5,0), COLORCC66FF
Viscosity line (net flow; 0,0, net flow, 4,0), COLOR009999
Viscosity line (net flow; 0,0, net flow, 3,0), COLOR00BBBB
Viscosity line (net flow; 0,0, net flow, 2,0), COLOR00DDDD
Viscosity line (net flow; 0,0, net flow, 1, 0), COLOR00FFFF
Viscosity line (net flow >; REF (net flow, 1) and net flow < 0,0, net flow, 4,0), COLOR000099.
Viscosity line (net flow >; REF (net flow, 1) and net flow < 0,0, net flow, 3,0), COLOR0000BB.
Viscosity line (net flow >; REF (net flow, 1) and net flow < 0,0, net flow,1.5,0), COLOR0000DD.
Viscosity line (net flow >; REF (net flow, 1) and net flow < 0,0, net flow, 0.5,0), COLOR0000FF.
DRAWTEXT(CROSS(0,net flow),0+0,' empty '),COLORRED
DRAWTEXT(CROSS(REF (net flow, 1), net flow), net flow -0,' attention'), COLORMAGENTA.
DRAWTEXT(CROSS (net flow, 0), 0,' focus on capital intervention'), COLORWHITE
DRAWTEXT(CROSS (net flow,0),0,' buy '),COLORFF00FF