If investors want to use the locked funds (want to change the purchase price or not want to buy) or stocks (want to change the selling price or not want to sell) on the same day, they must cancel the entrustment by withdrawing the order before they can use the locked funds or stocks. If the original entrustment has been completed before the investor completes the withdrawal, it cannot be withdrawn.
Regarding the effective time of withdrawal, the stock exchange stipulates the relevant time of withdrawal as follows:
(1) 9: 15-9: 20, cash can be withdrawn; Cancellation requests before 9: 15 are also accepted from 9: 15.
(2) The cancellation declaration will not be accepted from 9: 20 to 9: 25.
(3) The bill can be cancelled at 9: 30-11:30.
(4) At11:30-13: 00, it is possible to declare the cancellation of the bill, but the stock exchange has not accepted it and is in the state of "submitting the cancellation". After 13: 00, accept the transaction entrustment first, and then accept the cancellation request if the transaction has been completed.
(5) The order can be cancelled at 13: 00- 15: 00. In the last 3 minutes, call auction is located at 14: 57- 15: 00. The order cannot be cancelled.
(6) After the closing of15: 00, the open commission will automatically become invalid, and there is no need to cancel the order. However, only after liquidation will the funds be unfrozen and returned to the account.
Risk disclosure: This information does not constitute any investment advice. Investors should not substitute such information for their independent judgment, or make decisions only based on such information. It does not constitute any trading operation and does not guarantee any income. If you operate by yourself, please pay attention to position control and risk control.