Can I open a futures account with other futures companies?
This account has no influence on your previous account, and the original account does not need to be closed. Two futures accounts can be used at the same time. A customer can handle multiple futures accounts in different futures companies, but only one futures account can be handled in the same futures company. The regulations of the Exchange in this respect are as follows: According to the regulations of the Exchange, the transaction code consists of 12 digits of the member number and the customer number, of which the first four digits are the futures company member number and the last eight digits are the customer number. An investor can only have one customer number in the exchange, but he can open accounts in different futures companies. Only four members have different transaction codes, and eight customer numbers must be the same. Customers can have accounts in multiple futures companies at the same time, but it should be noted that the position limit of the exchange position limit system is to calculate the total amount of a single customer, that is, the same customer has multiple trading codes in different futures companies, and the total number of all positions on each trading code shall not exceed the position limit of one customer.