2. Short position: generally refers to the investment position caused by investors selling short positions. Because this position has not been written off by the market, investors can benefit from the decline in market prices. A simple understanding is that investors make large-scale selling transactions or transactions in which the selling volume is higher than the buying volume on the premise that the market price will fall ahead of schedule.
Long head and inch head
In the securities market, bulls generally refer to buyers, while inches generally refer to bankers. Long trading is generally an operation that bulls think the market will rise, while inch trading is just the opposite. It is a trading operation that inch thinks the market price is about to fall. Stock trading is different from stock index futures trading. The value of the former must be owned by the seller, while the latter can be traded without corresponding stocks, which is essentially the difference between spot and futures. There are also many kinds of inch days, which are used to refer to the day when investors use funds.