Sometimes I hear how a certain hedge fund caused the financial turmoil, and it seems to be a ferocious investment monster; sometimes I see investment banks or wealthy people investing a considerable proportion of it in hedge funds, and it seems like it is a ferocious investment monster. An investment direction that should be considered.
So what exactly are hedge funds?
Hedge funds are an alternative investment tool for experienced investors and can be understood as fund products for high-net-worth individuals.
The father of hedge funds: Alfred Winslow Jones
The earliest hedge funds were born around the 1940s and were founded in the United States by a financial reporter named Alfred Winslow Jones. He used long-short stock hedging to reduce the risk of a bear market. This is also the origin of the word "hedge", so the purpose of hedge funds was actually to reduce investment risks when they were first born.
Modern hedge funds are different from general public funds in many aspects. In order to better understand, we first list these differences as follows:
As an investment with different strategies In this way, hedge funds offer a variety of solutions. Speculators use it to maximize investment returns, while mature and stable investment institutions or individuals use it to reduce the risk of the overall investment portfolio.
Let’s list and briefly introduce common hedge fund strategies:
Long-short hedging (EquityMarketNeutral): Try to go long undervalued stocks and short overvalued stocks. Achieve a natural state that is minimally correlated with overall stock market fluctuations. Of course, in specific operations, we also need to pay attention to various factors such as various industries and regions. The ultimate goal of this strategy is to obtain a very stable return that is slightly higher than the market risk-free interest rate (such as the U.S. Treasury bond rate). This is the most traditional hedging strategy, and it is also a hedging strategy that exists to reduce risk.
Convertible Arbitrage: This strategy attempts to arbitrage with convertible bonds (ConvertibleBonds), including turbines (Warrant) and convertible preferred shares (ConvertiblePreferredShare). When the prices of such investment instruments deviate, there are opportunities for arbitrage.
Fixed-income Arbitrage: This strategy makes profits by predicting changes in the structure of bond products and the credit rating of the issuer. Under normal circumstances, there will be long and short positions, and the overall duration of the bond pool (Duration) will be controlled near 0, so that it will not be affected by changes in the overall market interest rate.
Distressed Security (DistressedSecurity): This strategy specializes in investing in bonds and stocks of companies that are or are on the verge of bankruptcy. The price is very low, and the risk is of course high, and most ordinary investors are willing to pass on the risk. go out. This strategy usually only goes long, because it is difficult for institutions to cooperate with short selling.
Merger Arbitrage: Merger arbitrage refers to buying or selling the stocks of these companies during the period when news of mergers and acquisitions between companies is released. Generally speaking, it means buying the company being merged and shorting the company that initiated the merger. company.
GlobalMarco: This strategy mainly conducts currency, futures, and options trading, focusing on global trends rather than a specific area.
Fund of Funds: Fund of Funds mainly invests in other hedge funds, usually investing in 10-30 third-party funds, and some are more diversified. The advantage of this is that risks can be spread among various styles of hedge funds, but management fees also increase.
In fact, there are many other strategies, so I won’t go into details one by one. As you can see, some hedge funds are designed specifically to reduce risk, while others are designed to increase returns resulting in high risk. In addition, the management fees of hedge funds are also very high, so most of the investors in hedge funds are institutions or extremely high net worth individuals.