How long does it usually take to officially start work after the interview?
It depends on the company and the individual. Generally, you can start your job in about seven days after a successful interview. For example, some companies will require new employees to join the company after a holiday. There are also those who succeed in the interview today and will be employed tomorrow. This may be because there are activities in the company tomorrow, or tomorrow happens to be Monday. Some employees have their own family affairs to deal with. In short, this entry time is still flexible, as long as both parties agree. There is no specific standard for how long you can be hired after a successful interview. Every employer is different, and some enterprises have different requirements according to specific conditions. Some companies can join the company within a week at the earliest. If you are not in a hurry, some will give you half a month to work. It is unlikely to give you a month. After all, the company generates operating costs every day, and the longer it takes, the more resources it wastes. How long you can be employed after a successful strategic planning interview has never been influenced by anyone. You should follow up with the personnel of the company, contact by phone, or mention what to bring and prepare, and finally ask which week you can report for appointment. But the general situation can be reported within a week.