I. Litigation settlement:
CPC(CostPerClick) charges according to the number of clicks and the number of times the advertisement is clicked. This mode is often used for keywords.
CPA(CostPerAction) charges according to the user's actions. Simply put, it is to give a charging action first, and the user will start charging after completing this action. The advertisements calculated in this way are generally on the mobile side, such as 365 calendar client, hot mom help client and other mobile media.
CPD(CostPerDay) charges by the day, which is a common way of advertising cooperation.
CPD(CostPerDownload) charges according to the download volume and the app downloaded by users. More common in the integrated wall of app store.
CPI(CostPerInstall) is charged according to the installation cost and the application activated by users.
Second, the display side calculation method:
CPM(COstPerMille) is the cost per thousand exhibitions, and the cost per advertisement exhibition is 1000. Generally, this way of settlement is brand display and product release, such as GD advertisement of information flow.
CPT(CostPerTime) charges according to the duration of the exhibition, and buys out the exhibition space for a period of time at the price. General brand advertisers choose to put such advertisements at a higher price, such as various app advertisements such as iQiyi.
Three, according to the conversion rate calculation method:
CPS(cospersales) should settle accounts according to the cost of sales and the number of orders completed by users. For example, most rebate networks use this model.
ROI(ReturnonInvestment) is the value returned from the used investment. In bidding, it is called input-output ratio, which is not only the ratio of advertising fee to profit return, but also the general investment and wealth management platform will choose this model.