The transaction price is the transaction price, which in most cases is the commission price.
Transaction price: also known as "hammer price", refers to the price at which the auctioneer drops the hammer to determine the price at which the auction object is sold to the buyer.
Order price: It is the buying price or selling price you like. It is determined by you. This price should not exceed the price limit of the price limit, otherwise your order will be invalid.
When stock investors conduct stock buying and selling transactions, there will often be inconsistencies between the entrusted price and the transaction price. This is mainly caused by the following reasons.
(1) When participating in a call auction, if the buy order price is higher than the call auction price, or the sell order price is lower than the call auction price, the transaction will be done at the auction price;
(2) When participating in continuous auctions, when the entrusted buy order price is higher than the lowest sell order price in the market in real time, the lowest sell order price immediately revealed will be taken as the transaction price;
( 3) When participating in continuous bidding, when the entrusted sell order price is lower than the highest buy order price in the market immediately, the highest buy order price immediately revealed will be used as the transaction price.