No. fund code fund is referred to as today's income/ten thousand seven-day annualized rate of return
0 1 09 1005 Dacheng currency B 1.67070 2.4800
02 4 10002 Hua Fu Dollar 0.45438+030 2.5000.
03 180009 Yin Hua currency B0.51480 2.40000001
04 003003 Huaxia cash increased by 0.56540 2.27400
05 070008 Harvest Coin 1.20930 2.22900
06 20230 1 South cash increase 0.77880 2.438+0000.
07 320002 NON 0.45980 2. 13300
08 100025 Rich country currency 0.52390 2.6438+02400
09 090005 Dacheng Currency A 1.60550 2. 10400
10 180008 Yin Hua currency a0.4450 2.40000.000000001
1 1 050003 boss's cash income 0.4470 2+0400
12116 E Fund Currency B0.54230 2.5438+0 100.