1. Economic improvement turnabout
2. Recovery
3. Cost-push costpush
4. Money supply
p>5. Productivity
6. Laborforce
7. Real wages
8. Cost-pushinflation< /p>
9. Demand-pullinflation
10. Double-digit inflation
11. Hyperinflation
12. Chronicinflation
13. To fight inflation
14. Ultimategoal
15. Adverse effect
16. Guarantee ensure
17. Discount
18. Sluggish
19. Subscribeto
20 , Checking account checkingaccount
21. Instruments of money control tools
22. IOUs (Ioweyou)
23. Promissory notes
24. Controller of the currency
25. Collection system
26. Check clearing or settlement checkclearing
27. Fund transfer transferoffunds
28. Credentials that can be trusted
29. Reform fashion
30. Entangled
31. Monetary Union
32. Repurchase agreement repo
33. Smart bargaining horse-trading
34. Euro euro
35. Public *** debt membership criteria< /p>
36. Exchange rate mechanism REM
37. Reserve currency reservecurrency
38. Labor-intensive
39. Tribute exchange bourse
40, competitive frontrun
41, bull market
42, extraordinary bull market aragingbull
43, economies of scale scaleeconomcies< /p>
44. The difference between the buyer’s bid and the seller’s asking price bid-askspreads
45. Futures (tribute) futures
46. Brokeragefirm
47, rate of return
48, ??tribute equities
49, default
50, cash outflow cashdrains
51 , agent commission brokeragefee
52, certificate of deposit CD (certificateofdeposit
53, turnover turnover
54, capital market capitalmarket
55. TheBrettonWoodsSystem
56. Current account
57. Arbitrage arbitrager
58. Forward exchange rate
59. Spot exchange rate spotrate
60. Real interest rate realinterestrates
61. Monetary policy tools toolsofmonetarypolicy
62. Bank failures
63. MNC (Multi-National Corporation)
64. Commercial bank
65. Commercial paper commercial paper
66. Profit
67. Promissory notes, promissory notes
68. Supervision tomonitor
69. Commission brokers
70. Hedging hedge
71. Portfoliobalancetheory
72. Foreign exchange reserves foreignexchangereserves
73. Fixed exchange rate fixedexchangerate
74. Floating exchange rate floating/flexibleexchangerate
75. Currency option (futures) currencyoption
76. Arbitrage
77. Contract price exerciseprice
78 , forwardpremium
79, long buying long
80, short selling short
81, order marketorder at market price
< p>82. stockbroker83. theIMF
84. theG-7
85. surveillance
86. Interbank market
87. Convertibility
88. Soft currency
89. Restriction
90. Transaction
91. Adequate demand
92. Short-term external debt shorttermexternaldebt
93. Exchange rate mechanism exchangerateregime
94. Direct quotations directquotes
95. Capital mobility of capital
96. Deficit
97. Domestic currency
98. foreign exchange market
99, international reserves internationalreserve
100, interest rate interestrate
101, assets assets
102, balance of payments balanceofpayments
103, trade balance balanceoftrade
104, prosperity boom
105, bond bond
106, capital capital
107. Capital expenditures capital expenditures
108. Commodities
109. Commodity exchanges commodity exchanges
110. Futures contracts commodity futures contracts
111. commonstock
112. conglomerate
113. currency devaluation
114. deflation
115. depreciation
116. discount rate
117. income at personal disposal disposablepersonalincome
118. employed person
119. Exchange rate
120. Fiscal year
121. Enterprise freeenterprise
122. Gross domestic product
123. Inventory
124, labor force
125, debt liabilities
126, market economy marketeconomy
127, merger
p>128. Money income
129. Multinational Corporation
130. Personal income
131. Preferred stock
132. Price-earningratio
133. Prime loan interest rate
134. Profit
135. Return on investment
136. Revaluation
137. Salary
138. Seasonal adjustment
139. Tariff
140. Unemployed person
141. Utility
142. Value
143. Wages
144. Wage price spiral wage-pricespiral
145, yield
146, compensatory trade, compensated deal
147, savings banks
148 , theEuropeanUnion
149, single entity asingleentity
150, mortgage loan mortgageending
151, owner property rights ownersequity
152, commonstock
153, intangible assets
154, income statement
155, operating expenses
156, administrative expenses administrativeexpenses
157, statement of cashflow
158, inventory in trade
159, income proceeds
160, investment Bank investmentbank
161, institutional investor
162, Monopoly and Mergers Committee MMC
163, tender and issue issuebytender
164, directional Issuance introduction
165, consignment offer forsale
166, direct selling placing
167, public issue public issue
168, credit line creditline p>
169. International bonds
170. Eurocurrency
171. Interest margin
172. Use borrowed money as collateral The loan obtained was leveraged loan
173, rights issue rights issues
174, net income ratio combined with netincome gearing