Fund risk R2 refers to the risk level of this financial product. Users with different risk levels face different risks after investing.
Generally, funds can be divided into five risk levels, low risk is R1, medium and low risk is R2, medium risk is R3, medium and high risk is R4, and high risk is R5; they are cautious products (R1),
Stable products (R2), balanced products (R3), aggressive products (R4), radical products (R5), financial products with risk R2 will basically not lose principal.
2r is the risk level of the investment and financial management products you purchase. Low-risk 2r, that is, stable financial products, may legally lose the principal, but the fluctuation of income is relatively controllable.
Low-risk 2R financial products are mainly various money market funds or partial debt funds. These products invest in the interbank lending market and the bond market. These two markets themselves have the characteristics of low risk and low yield. In addition,
Professional and diversified investments made by fund companies further reduce risks.
Note: Users should have knowledge about funds when investing in funds, such as knowing the classification of funds, the types of assets invested by different funds, etc. It should be noted that when investing in financial management, you must use personal spare money and cannot borrow money for financial management.
When managing money, it is best to ask people around you for advice and master investment skills as soon as possible.
When buying a fund, users should pay attention to the level of the net value. Generally, they choose to buy at a position with a low net value and avoid investing in a position with a high net value.
Because buying at a position with high net worth is very likely to result in loss, but this situation is not absolute. You can set a profit stop point and a stop loss point after buying.
When investing in funds, you can use fixed investment methods, that is, users buy a certain share of the fund at regular intervals. Through long-term purchases, the cost can be diluted, and you can get good returns after the subsequent fund rises.
It should be noted that fixed investment in funds does not guarantee profitability and may result in losses.