The fund's net asset value is the main index to measure the fund's operating performance.
Cumulative net share = net share after the establishment of the fund+cumulative share dividend amount. The level of fund net value is not the main basis for choosing a fund, but the future growth of fund net value is the key to judge the investment value. The level of net worth is not only influenced by the management ability of fund managers, but also by many other factors.
The net asset value of the fund is the main index to measure the operating performance of the fund, and it is also the intrinsic value and calculation basis of the transaction price of the fund share.
Fund valuation is the key to calculate the net asset value of fund shares. Funds usually invest in various investment instruments in the securities market, such as stocks and bonds. Because the market price of these assets is constantly changing, only by recalculating the net asset value of the fund share every day can the investment value of the fund be reflected in time. The valuation principles of fund assets are as follows:
Any listed and circulated securities shall be valued according to the average price listed on the stock exchange on the valuation date; If there is no transaction on the valuation date, it shall be valued according to the average price on the trading day.