If you ask them, "Do you know what the fund you bought is?" But few people can answer. Once someone loses money buying a fund, they will say, "The fund is a deceptive thing."
Bian Xiao is not surprised by this attitude and remarks. I entered the market in a daze and came out in a mess. I just blame the market blindly, but I have never examined my investment attitude.
Bian Xiao gave some advice to some novice investors. I hope it is useful to everyone.
If you want to gain something, you must pay first. If you don't have the most basic understanding of an investment and financial management tool, please take care of your money bag first, and don't throw it all in at once. If you decide to try fund investment, before investing, you must try to understand the investment tools, what the fund is, where the money will be put in the investment fund, how the fund operates, what risks are there, how much risk you can bear and so on. And understand these most basic problems.
Investment and financial management is a long-term process that needs to be honed slowly. Just like learning a technology, first learn some basic knowledge, practice basic skills and then get started slowly. One minute on stage, ten years off stage, the same is true of investment funds.
Buffett, a legendary figure in the investment field, said a particularly classic sentence: invest within your own cognitive range.
We are all ordinary people, and the money used for investment is accumulated by our own efforts, not by the strong wind, so we can't easily lose money. Knowing the varieties we invest in is the minimum respect for this investment fund.
Fund investment is risky, not a game that only earns money but does not lose money. In the face of market fluctuations, only when we have a clear understanding of the varieties we invest in can we know fairly well and not be easily disturbed by the market.
Don't touch unfamiliar investment varieties. If you don't have a basic understanding of fund investment, don't rush into the market and be responsible for your own fund. I hope these suggestions are useful to you. Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market.