MTF is the armed force of the SCP Foundation - Mobile Task Forces. The Mobile Task Force is the foundation's main combat force in addition to the facility security force. It is also its mobile combat force and major external operations.
Execution power.
Therefore, the Mobile Task Force is entirely composed of well-trained agents with various special skills. The Foundation even dispatched some humanoid SCPs to join the Mobile Task Force to enhance the strength of the Mobile Task Force.
The Foundation has several different mobile task forces under its jurisdiction to deal with a variety of emergencies and various environments.
The basic structure of each MTF will vary greatly in order to best achieve its intended objectives.
While combat task forces closely resemble military hierarchies and organizations, smaller units may have informal or otherwise confidential chains of command.
Therefore, the responsibilities of the Mobile Task Force Commander (MTFC) for each special task force are significant; the commander of a large task force may focus on maintaining multiple teams and deploying them in their assigned operations,
Small team commanders may deploy to a location with their team and direct operations from the field.
Likewise, the cohesiveness of each unit varies.
The crew members of some mobile task forces may have trained and worked together for many years or even decades, while the crew members of a temporary task force assembled to respond to a special incident may know each other except by name and expertise.
Don't quite understand.