95118 is the customer service number of Jingdong Finance.
the official customer service telephone number of jingdong finance is 95118. in order to protect your personal and property safety, please don't trust other telephone information easily to prevent being deceived. The service hours are from 9: am to 1: pm every day. Holidays are endless. Jingdong Finance is a personal financial business brand of JD.COM Digital Technology Group, which started to operate independently in October 213.
with big data, artificial intelligence, internet of things and other technologies as the core, it has completed the layout of three major areas: digital finance, digital enterprise services and digital city, and realized the integration of personal, enterprise and government, and won the "Credit Risk Control Technology Implementation Award of the Year" by Asian Banker in 217. In December 22, JD Finance removed its Internet deposit products.
with platform, intelligence and content as its core competence, JD Finance, together with nearly 1, financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies and fund companies, provides users with professional and safe personal financial services. ?
jingdong finance has launched nearly 1, financial products, including white bars, funds, bank wealth management, small treasuries, gold bars, joint small white cards and small gold cards, covering wealth management, lending and insurance, in four business segments.
jingdong finance has a fund consignment license, an insurance broker license and an insurance agent license, and is a licensed consignment platform for funds and insurance products. Nearly 1, financial products from nearly 1, financial institutions are sold on the Jingdong financial platform, which truly creates a professional and safe "personal financial decision-making platform" for users. The product categories cover wealth management, lending and insurance, and are divided into four business segments.