However, fund management companies with a certain scale usually adopt a team-style investment management model, with a clear division of labor in investment operation, and the personal role of fund managers gradually fades. The resignation of a single manager is not enough to have a decisive impact on the overall investment and research strength of the company.
So, what should investors do after the fund manager changes?
For fund investors, investment fund products are, in a sense, investment fund managers. When the former fund manager leaves, the new fund manager often changes positions, which will also lead to fluctuations in the fund's net value.
In the face of the resignation of the fund manager, a fund researcher in Shanghai said that investors should analyze specific problems and do not have to rush to redeem them. They can check it from multiple angles and then decide whether to redeem it. "From the perspective of fund types, if it is a passive fund, the impact is generally small; Judging from the reasons for the fund manager's resignation, if the fund manager adjusts his post internally, the general impact will be relatively small; Finally, if the fund manager is dismissed because of poor performance, investors may wish to observe the ability of the new fund manager.
Generally, the following situations occur: (1) star fund managers leave their jobs, and their successors lack excellent performance records, especially the products of small and medium-sized fund companies; (2) Many fund managers or senior managers of funds under the fund company have left their posts for some time.