Yes, as long as all subordinate units have independent legal person status, they can design or formulate enterprise annuity plans by themselves under the general principles of the group, and choose different trustees to establish their own enterprise annuity plans. In addition, a framework annuity plan can also be formulated in the group enterprise (subordinate branches can formulate their own annuity plan under the framework plan), and the group uniformly chooses to appoint trustees and other managers to manage the annuity fund of the group as a whole.
The advantages of choosing different trustees for subordinate units are that they can give their management organizations the right to choose independently and enhance the flexibility of scheme design, but the disadvantages of unified management are as follows:
1. The enterprise annuity funds of subordinate units belong to different plans, which is difficult to form scale effect, which affects the bargaining power in the process of institution selection and the subsequent investment income level;
2. There are great differences in payment sources, payment levels and investment returns among subordinate units, which may cause internal imbalance within the group;
3. The plan establishment progress is uncontrollable, and at the same time, the Group's ability to supervise the annuity funds of its subordinate units is reduced.