1, ups and downs
Price fluctuation is a description of price fluctuation, expressed in%. Price fluctuation = price fluctuation/yesterday's closing price * 100%. The value generated by comparing the latest transaction price (or closing price) of the current trading day with the closing price of the previous trading day is generally expressed as a percentage. In the China stock market, there is a limit to the rise and fall, so there is a saying of "limit to the rise and fall".
2. Is ups and downs a rate of return?
No, the rise and fall of stocks does not mean the rate of return. There is an essential difference between the two. The fluctuation range of the stock refers to the opening price of the stock and the percentage of the stock fluctuation over a period of time. Stock rate of return refers to the rate of return obtained by investors, and stock rate of return = (stock selling price-stock buying price-handling fee generated in the process of stock trading)/buying price.
3. How to calculate the formula of price increase and price decrease?
The calculation formula of stock price fluctuation is: stock price fluctuation = (current latest transaction price (or closing price)-opening reference price) ÷ opening reference price * 100%. In the process of calculation, it should be noted that the opening reference price generally refers to the closing price of the stock on the last trading day. In addition, the formula can also be simply written as: price = price/closing price of the previous trading day * 100%.
4. What is the role of the price limit?
The reason why the exchange implements the price limit is because the speculative atmosphere in China's securities market is serious, in order to prevent the stock price from skyrocketing and plunging. If there is no price limit, as long as the funds are huge enough, you can pull the stock price any way you want.
5. What is the biggest increase of Hong Kong stocks in one day?
Hong Kong stocks are different from A shares. A shares have ups and downs, while Hong Kong stocks have not. Therefore, there is no upper limit to how much Hong Kong stocks can rise at most in a day. If compared with A-shares, A-shares will increase by 10% at most, and if they exceed 10%, they must be suspended. There is no upper limit for the daily increase of Hong Kong stocks. As long as the stock market is good, it is possible to soar several times.