If the stock price falls due to negative news, it will generally open lower or continue to open lower the next day, because negative news will not be digested quickly. Because of panic, investors will try to ship when the stock price is high.
If there is no negative news that causes the stock price to fall, but the stock price is at a low level, it may be the panic caused by the intentional release of the main funds. At this point, investors can observe the future market trend and operate after the situation is clear.
Can stocks be sold when they fall below the limit?
Stocks can be bought and sold after the daily limit. However, when stocks fall, sell orders are huge. If you want to sell, there is a commission behind the huge selling order, and it is difficult to clinch a deal, but if you want to buy, it is easy.
The daily limit of a stock exchange is the daily limit of the stock, that is, if the stock falls to the highest daily limit-10% (or -5%), it is called the daily limit.