1. Pay off debts: If you have any outstanding debts, you'd better pay them first. This will reduce your financial pressure in the future and help improve your credit rating.
2. Savings and investment: If you don't have enough savings or investment plans, please consider using this money for this purpose. It is a good choice to deposit time deposits or buy high-quality stocks and funds.
3. Buy real estate: If you don't have your own house yet, buying real estate is a good choice. It can not only provide a comfortable and stable living environment, but also become a long-term investment method.
4. Entrepreneurial innovation: If you are interested in a certain business or technical field and have relevant experience, please consider using this money to start a business or expand your business.
Please note that the above suggestions are only general opinions and cannot represent everyone. Before making any decision, please carefully evaluate your actual situation and goals and seek professional advice.