Performance comparison benchmark refers to the performance evaluation standard of securities investment funds and other products, thereby better protecting the interests of investors.
According to the Securities Investment Fund Law and relevant regulations, starting from July 1, 2019, all public funds must adopt performance comparison benchmarks and clearly inform investors in prospectuses, fund contracts and other texts.
Specifically, on June 11, 2019, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the "Measures for the Operation and Management of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds" (hereinafter referred to as the "New Regulations"), which clearly stipulates that public funds must adopt scientific and reasonable performance comparison benchmarks and will
It is included in important documents such as the fund contract and prospectus.
At the same time, the name, benchmark period, calculation method, etc. of the performance comparison benchmark should be clearly marked in these documents so that investors can fully understand the risk-return characteristics of the product.
It should be noted that different categories of funds can use different performance comparison benchmarks, and the setting and adjustment of performance comparison benchmarks also need to comply with relevant policies and regulations.
Therefore, when investing in funds, investors should carefully read the prospectus, fund contract and other documents, and choose fund products that meet their actual needs and risk tolerance.