There are many temple fairs in Dongyang. The biggest activities of the temple fair are welcoming Buddha and acting. When welcoming the gods, the Buddha statue in the temple will be carried out, or the small Buddha will be placed in a Buddhist sedan chair shaped like a pavilion (walking), and paraded around the street, with incense lamps leading the way. The band will clear the way, with flags, gongs, umbrellas, spears and other ritual vessels in front, followed by the cross lotus, twelve flower names, seven flowers, eight-hole immortals, flower drums, camel classes and stilts.
The most respected person in Dongyang is Gong Hu the Great (Hu Ze). August 13 is the birthday of "Gong Hu Dida". On this day, there are Gong Hu temple fairs in Ning Wu, Huailu, Hengdian, Qianxiang and Nanma, especially in the Mukeng of Shanglu Society and the Chaoshui Temple of Hengdian. There are many temples in Shemukeng Temple Fair, and incense is better than Yongkang Fangyan. Gradually, it is to build maps, cover umbrellas, prepare flags, and even break 35 feet. It is a long pole, called a long flag. Everyone got up in the morning and went to the temple with the gods served by the capital. In the morning, they called the temple and welcomed them back the next day. They advocated leaders and the sandbars were high, and men and women got together. On the same day, I chanted:' One hundred thousand banners are fluttering, and three thousand dikes are white', thinking that one side can win the games. At the end of the Qing dynasty, the grand occasion continued unabated until the Republic of China. Every year, 18 teams of people who welcome Buddha gather in Shemukeng, which is amazing. At Hengdian Chaoshui Temple Fair, merchants from Yongkang, Yiwu, Jinhua, Xianju, Tiantai, Jinyun and other places poured in, and rare things from all directions gathered in the city, with various forms of folk songs and dances and exotic art juggling. What's more, three troupes competed on the stage for three days and three nights, and gathered hundreds of martial arts arhat classes in Fiona Fang for dozens of miles.
On August 13, the village offered "tea" to worship Gong Hu. The offering of "White Tea" is actually rice sculpture, which takes glutinous rice, sesame, mung bean, manggu and red bean as raw materials, and is glued into five kinds of animals such as lion, tiger, elephant, unicorn and deer, and the Eight Immortals Screen, Kuixingge, Mirage, Wangtengge, Guihua Pavilion, Phoenix Terrace and Archway. The image is vivid, the composition is reasonable and the momentum is magnificent.