When buying insurance for a family of three, you can refer to the following suggestions to purchase insurance. For details, please click this article to learn "How to purchase insurance correctly at different age groups?"
1. If you are between the ages of 0 and 20, it is recommended that you choose critical illness insurance, medical insurance and accident insurance.
Before the age of 20, they are in the growth and development period of body and mind, and it is inevitable to get sick during the growth process. For this reason, it is usually recommended that these friends configure a medical insurance, which can be used to reimburse and compensate for medical expenses; in addition, as children grow,
There are more accidents in one stage than in other stages, so accident insurance to prevent accidental disability or death is also quite necessary; of course, critical illness insurance, which is more cost-effective the sooner you buy it, is also essential.
2. Insurance recommendations for people aged 20 to 30: critical illness insurance, accident insurance, and medical insurance. 20 to 30 years old are already adults who can take charge of their own business. At this time, the body is young and the spirit is good. In order to enable oneself to strive for the future wholeheartedly
, there are no worries, so it is recommended to buy short-term critical illness insurance + one-year accident insurance + million-dollar medical insurance. The premium is actually not expensive, only a few dozen yuan a month, so you can definitely consider it.
3. Critical illness insurance, life insurance, accident insurance and medical insurance are the preferred insurances for middle-aged people (30-50 years old). Buying insurance at this time is more for your family than yourself.
Middle-aged people are under pressure from work and life, and as age increases, the probability of illness also increases. Critical illness insurance and medical insurance can provide adequate protection for illness; if an accident occurs, accident insurance and life insurance will
You can buy peace of mind for yourself and your family’s future.