The initial fund is cheaper than the fund with a certain year, because most people don't know the initial fund and its future trend, so when it is open, if you want to buy it, the fee paid is much cheaper than the fund with a certain trend change.
The second is the trend of the initial fund. Whether you will make a profit or lose money after buying it depends on the specific trend over the years, but as for the initial fund, it is the first time to issue it. For the convenience of those investors, there is no trend over the years. If you want to buy it, you need to have certain risks. If you want to make a steady profit, it is recommended to choose those low-risk funds. The initial capital may have a loss trend, but it also has a big profit trend, which requires a certain amount of property to avoid the loss after buying all the initial capital. At that time, it was equivalent to being cut off and there was a certain interest risk.
Finally, we need to look at the market investment of the initial fund. For example, if you buy a liquor fund, you don't know what trend it will show in the market before, but there are many liquors in the market, so the liquor fund you buy may make money. Because it exists in a relatively large demand market. Unlike the original fund, it doesn't know what trend it will show in the market, so it will appear that this fund is uncertain. When buying the initial fund, we must make a good judgment on this fund according to the market trend. In this way, you will not only lose money.