Candidates must bring their valid ID card and admission ticket to take the exam. The qualification examinations for fund practice are all objective questions. The two subjects of the Fund Qualification Examination are multiple-choice questions, with the quantity of each subject being 100, the score being 1, and the total score being 100.
Matters needing attention in computer examination of fund qualification:
1. Candidates can enter the designated examination room with valid certificates such as admission ticket or ID card 30 minutes before the exam.
Don't enter the examination room 20 minutes after the exam begins.
Candidates should not carry ID cards or admission tickets. Other items include electronic calculators, calculators with storage function, mobile phones, e-books and other electronic devices.
4. Avoid communicating with each other during the examination, forbid others to copy the examination questions instead, and take the examination in strict accordance with the provisions of the examination room.
Free access to learning materials and knowledge maps of fund qualification: /jjcy/xxzl/n237.html? fcode=h 1000026