When investors buy funds, they will find that many funds in the fund market have more than one price. The general reasons are as follows:
Some funds pay dividends for many times, resulting in their prices falling continuously, hovering around one yuan, or the income has not reached the condition of doubling, so the net value has not exceeded 2.
Of course, there are also many funds in the market that have been established for a long time, with high accumulated income and low dividends, and their prices can rise to three, four or even more. And most new funds are basically more than one.
In other money fund management companies, the income from investors' investment in money funds is usually converted into fund shares, thus increasing the total share held by investors and keeping its net value at 1 yuan.
For example, if Xiao Wang invests 5,000 yuan in a monetary fund, he can own 5,000 copies of the fund with an annual yield of 5%. One year later, Xiao Wang's fund share will be 250 more, which is Xiao Wang's investment income, holding a total of 5250 shares, but the net value of the fund is still 1 yuan.