Fund intimacy refers to the number and proportion of fund products with a high degree of overlap among the fund products invested by individuals or institutions within a certain period. This concept can help investors better understand the risk and return characteristics of the fund products in their investment portfolios, so as to conduct reasonable risk diversification.
Fund intimacy is an important basis for investors to allocate assets. When the overlap between two or more fund products is high, their risk and return characteristics will also be similar. Therefore, investors should try to maintain diversity in the selection of fund products and reduce fund intimacy, thereby To achieve the purpose of diversifying risks and balancing returns.
There are many ways to calculate fund intimacy. A simple way is to use similar fund ranking data provided by fund rating agencies to compare. At the same time, many well-known domestic and foreign portfolio management tools, such as Morningstar, Berkshire Hathaway, etc., will also provide investors with charts or detailed data to understand their fund intimacy. Investors can make their asset allocation more secure through accurate fund intimacy calculations and risk assessments.