To receive a one-time work-related injury medical subsidy and disability employment subsidy must meet the following conditions:
1. Workers belong to work-related injuries, that is, the prerequisite for workers to receive one-time medical subsidies for work-related injuries and disability employment subsidies must be that workers belong to work-related injuries, because compensation items are legal work-related injuries and must be based on work-related injuries.
2. After disability identification, it belongs to 5- 10 level disability. According to the Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance, employees with 1-4 work-related injuries lose their ability to work, and the unit retains their labor relations and quits their jobs. Therefore, there is no problem of paying one-time work-related injury medical subsidy and disability employment subsidy for disabled employees at 1-4 level.
3. When the treatment is terminated, the employee proposes to terminate or terminate the labor relationship with the employer. If the employee is still in the labor contract period or has been maintaining labor relations with the employer, there is no problem of paying one-time work-related injury medical subsidies and disability employment subsidies. Only when the labor relationship is over will there be a problem of paying fees.