In the tower defense era game, there are many official mechanisms for players to play, among which the vip level mechanism is the biggest reward, because players need to recharge to a certain level to get it, but there are still many small partners who don't know the price of vip level. Let's share it with the author and have a look.
I. vip Price List of Tower Defense Times:
1, Vip level 1: 6 yuan is recharged cumulatively. Level II: Accumulated recharge 100 yuan. Level 3: Accumulative recharge of 200 yuan. Level 4: Accumulative recharge of 350 yuan. Level 5: Accumulative recharge of 500 yuan. level: cumulative recharge 1000 yuan. level: the accumulated recharge is 2000 yuan. level: accumulated recharge of 5,000 yuan. level 9: cumulative recharge 10000 yuan.
Second, vip recharge suggestion: I suggest you recharge 6 yuan to vip 1 level, because vip 1 belongs to the first recharge level, and the reward given by the government at this level is very large and quite cost-effective, because you can get a lot of rewards with little money.