The world's three major economic organizations mainly refer to the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group, the World Trade Organization, and a more important organization is the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. These world-wide international economic organizations promote international trade cooperation; promote the expansion and expansion of international trade.
Balance development, promote and maintain high levels of employment and real income; promote exchange rate stability and maintain orderly exchange rate arrangements among member states; assist in establishing a multilateral payment system for economic transactions among member states, and help eliminate obstacles to the development of world trade
Barriers played a decisive role.
In fact, the current main framework of the world economy is determined by these international economic organizations. my country has become the world's factory and the second largest economy mainly due to joining these international economic organizations and integrating into the trade and circulation system of the international community.
The following introduces the form, function and role of the International Monetary Fund; the World Bank Group; and the World Trade Organization.
1. World Bank Group The World Bank (World Bank) is the abbreviation of the World Bank Group and the general name of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
It is a specialized agency of the United Nations that operates international financial services and is also a subordinate agency of the United Nations.
It is composed of five member institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Development Association, the International Finance Corporation, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency and the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes; it was established in 1945 and began operations in June 1946.
The purpose of the World Bank Group is to help member countries, especially developing countries, improve productivity, promote economic development and social progress, and improve people's living standards by providing funds, economic and technical advice, and encouraging international investment.
Role of the World Bank Group: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development mainly issues long-term loans for production purposes to member governments, government agencies or private enterprises guaranteed by the government, dispatches investigation teams to borrower countries to investigate and provide technical assistance, etc.; the International Finance Corporation
Without the need for government guarantees, it exclusively issues loans to private enterprises in member countries, and jointly invests with private investors in private production enterprises in member countries; the International Development Association only provides loans to public projects and projects in the poorest member countries.
Development provides long-term loans.
2. The World Trade Organization from the 1947 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to the 1994 World Trade Organization Agreement.
Its purpose adds three new elements compared to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: it involves trade in services products; it expresses sustainable development, "seeks to protect and maintain the environment"; it recognizes the need to actively strive to "ensure that developing countries, especially the least developed countries, can
Obtain economic development commensurate with the growth of their international trade volume. Membership of the WTO: founding members and incorporated members. China is one of the founding members of the General Agreement. In 1950, the Taiwan authorities, who illegally occupied China's seat, announced their withdrawal from the General Agreement.
On December 11, 2001, China joined the WTO as a sovereign state. The role of the WTO: Each contracting country aims to improve living standards, ensure full employment, ensure substantial and stable growth in real income and effective demand, make full use of world resources, and expand commodities.
Production and exchange, with the purpose of promoting economic development, to deal with their mutual relations in trade and economic development; reduce tariffs to each other, eliminate various trade barriers and discriminatory treatment, and achieve trade liberalization. 3. International Monetary Fund.
Organization: It was established on December 27, 1945 according to the Agreement of the International Monetary Fund signed from July 1 to 22, 1944, opened for business on March 1, 1947, and became a specialized agency of the United Nations on November 15 of the same year.
Legal specifications: membership; organizational structure (Board of Governors and Executive Board); voting rights and voting; legal personality (with full legal personality rights, in particular the right to enter into contracts, acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property and conduct legal proceedings.
Its immunities and privileges include judicial immunity of property and assets, unless waived automatically by prosecution or performance of a deed; property and assets are immune from search, requisition, confiscation and other forms of seizure by executive or legislative acts;
property and assets are free from all restrictions, controls, controls, and deferrals of any nature; records are inviolable). Role of the IMF: To promote international monetary cooperation; to promote the expansion and balanced development of international trade, thereby promoting and maintaining a high level of international trade.
employment and real income; promote exchange rate stability and maintain orderly exchange rate arrangements among member states; assist in establishing a multilateral payment system for economic transactions among member states and help eliminate foreign exchange restrictions that hinder the development of world trade. 4. International economic organizations.
The legal status of an international economic organization refers to the legal personality of an international economic organization. Without legal personality, one cannot become a participant in international economic activities, cannot directly enjoy the rights under international economic law, and cannot bear the obligations under international economic law.
The legal status of an economic organization is granted by its members in its constitutional documents. Most international economic organizations stipulate in their constitutional documents that the organization has international legal personality or legal personality, and has the right to conclude or sign contracts, and to acquire and dispose of property.
, the right to conduct legal proceedings and some also provide for privileges and immunities.