Purple Mountain Observatory
Tokyo Observatory (now a museum)
Jaipur ancient observatory
Name, location, longitude, latitude and altitude of the 45-meter radio telescope at Yechishan Radio Observatory.
Bragan Observatory of Armenian Academy of Sciences +44 18'+40 20' 1500
Siem Reap, Angkor Wat+103 52'+ 13 25'-
Beijing Ancient Observatory Beijing+1 16 26'+39 54'-
Huairou Observatory of Beijing Observatory Huairou+116 36'+4019'-
Miyun Observatory of Beijing Observatory Miyun+11646'+4033'160.
Shahe+11620 ′+4006 ′ 40 of Beijing Observatory
Tianjin railway station of Beijing Observatory+1 17 04'+39 08' 5
Xinglong Observatory of Beijing Observatory Xinglong+1 17 35'+40 24' 870
Nanjing Purple Mountain Observatory/Purple Mountain+1 18 49'+32 04' 367
Lintong Meteorological Observatory of Shaanxi Province+109 33'+34 57' 468
Shanghai Observatory Sheshan Observatory+1211'+3106'100.
Urumqi Observatory Urumqi +87 1 1'+43 28'2080
Shanghai Observatory Xujiahui+12126'+311'5
Yunnan Observatory Kunming+10247'+2502'1940
Abbas Tuman Astrophysics Observatory of Georgian Academy of Sciences+42 49 ′+4154 ′1583.
Jantar Mantar in Jaipur+75 49'+26 55'-
Jantar Mantar, mathura +77 4 1'+27 30'-
Jantar Mantar+7714'+28 38'-
Jantar Mantar,uj Jain uj Jain+75 47 '+23 1 1 '-
Jantar Mantar, varanasi, varanasi +83 00'+25 19'-
Cordekanar Astrophysics Observatory+77 28 ′+1014 ′ 2343
Radio Astronomy Center of Tata Basic Research Institute Utakamond+7640 ′+1123 ′ 2150.
Nai Nithard of Uttar Pradesh Observatory+79 27 ′+29 22 ′1927.
Poseidon Observatory Lunbang+107 37 '-6 50' 1300
Maragai Observatory Maragai +46 12'+37 24'-
Mickey Pramont of Wise Observatory+34 46'+30 36' 874
Shangbao Village+13719'+3615'1276 of Kyoto University Flight Observatory.
Muju+137 38'+35 48'1130, Muju Institute, University of Tokyo.
Huashan Observatory of Kyoto University Kyoto+135 48'+34 60' 22 1
Villa Institute of Hydrometry, National Astronomical Observatory+14108'+39 08' 61
3rd Battalion of Tokyo Observatory of National Astronomical Observatory+139 33'+35 40' 58
Yejueshan Radio Observatory of National Astronomical Observatory Yejueshan+138 29'+35 56'1350
The National Astronomical Observatory measured saddle+137 33 ′+36 07 ′ 2876.
Cang Fu/Zhu Linshan+133 36'+34 34' 372, Okayama Institute of Astrophysics, National Astronomical Observatory
The Kamoka Institute of Cosmic Particles of the University of Tokyo is located at Kamoka+13731'+3643'-1000.
Almaty+76 57'+4311'1450, Alpine Observatory, Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences.
Puxian Mountain Observatory Puxian Mountain+128 59'+3610'127
Gyeongju Observatory+129 13'+35 50'-
Daejeon Radio Observatory+127 22'+36 24' 120
Danyang Xiaobaishan Observatory+128 27'+36 56'1390
Quezon Observatory, Manila+12105'+1438' 58
Irkutsk University Observatory+10421'+5217' 468
Lulin Mountain, Lulin Observatory, National Central University+120 52'+23 28' 2862
Observatory of National Central University, ZhongLi+1211'+2458'152.
Yuanshan Observatory (dismantled in 2000) Taipei+12132'+2505' 31
Dushanbe Observatory of Tajikistan Academy of Sciences+68 47'+38 34' 820
Tashkent Observatory Tashkent +69 18 '+4 1 20' 477
[Editor] Europe
University of Vienna Observatory
Nice observatory
Karl Schwarzschild Observatory
Efel Fort Radio Telescope
Russian special astrophysical observatory
Stockholm observatory
Greenwich observatory
Stonehenge Name Location Longitude Latitude Height
Graz University Observatory Klagenfurt/Kanzel? He+13 54'+46 41'1526
Is fiegel Observatory Saint Corona at school? pfl+ 15 55′+48 05′890
Vienna University Observatory Vienna+16 20'+4814' 241
Liè ge Observatory of Kuante University+5 34 ′+50 37 ′127
Hucleux+4 22 ′+50 48 ′105 of the Royal Belgian Observatory.
Institute of Astronomy, Charles University, Prague+14 24'+50 05' 267
Ondeyov Astrophysics Observatory Ondeyov+14 47'+49 55'533
University of Copenhagen Observatory
Bloomfield Observatory Bloomfield+1140'+55 38' 90
University of Copenhagen Observatory Copenhagen+12 35'+55 4 1'-
Aarhus Ollomo Observatory+10 12'+56 08' 50
University of Helsinki Observatory Helsinki +24 57'+60 10' 33
Bordeaux University Observatory Bordeaux-0 32 ′+44 50 ′ 73
Go to the Provence Observatory in Saint Mir +5 43'+43 56' 665.
University of Lyon Observatory Lyon +4 47'+45 42'299
Modong Astrophysics Observatory Modong +2 14'+48 48' 162
Nice Observatory Nice +7 18 '+43 43' 372
Paris Observatory Paris +2 20'+48 50' 67
Paris Observatory Nancy Radio Observatory Nancy+212 ′+47 23 ′150
Du Mi Observatory+0 09 ′+42 56 ′ 2861on the Banieres de Bigorre Peak.
Strasbourg University Observatory Strasbourg+7 46'+48 35'142
Gossec cycle Gossec+1152 ′+5112 ′-
Popov+10 15'+53 29'45 at Hamburg Observatory
Daun/hoherlist+651'+5010' 533 from hollister Observatory of Bonn University.
Karl Schwarzenegger Observatory Jena/Tautenberg+1143'+50 59' 331
Max Planck Institute of Radio Astronomy in Bonn/Efel +6 53 '+50 32' 369
Munich University Observatory Munich+1137 ′+48 09 ′ 529
Potsdam Astrophysics Observatory Potsdam+13 04'+52 23' 107
Freiberg+7 54'+47 55'1240 at the Observatory of Hof Institute in Flawn.
Zonberg Observatory Zonberg+1112'+50 23' 640
Heidelberg Observatory Heidelberg/Constur+8 43'+49 24' 570
Eschweiler+6 43 ′+50 34 ′ 435, Stoke Radio Observatory, Bonn University.
Athens Observatory Athens +23 43'+37 58' 1 10
Budapest Concorde Observatory+18 58'+47 90' 474
Dansink Observatory in Dublin-6 20 ′+53 23 ′ 85
A Chetri astrophysical observatory, a Chetri+1115'+43 45'184.
Aceh Argo Observatory+1132'+45 52'1045
Naples, Capodimonte Observatory+1415'+40 52'150.
Catania Astrophysics Observatory Catania+15 05'+37 30' 47
Catania Observatory Serra Lanave Observatory Catania+14 58'+37 42' 1735
Aikefeng Observatory Azigo/Aikefeng+1134'+45 51'1350
Padua Observatory Padua+1152'+45 24' 38
Palermo University Observatory Palermo+13 22'+38 07' 72
Rome observatory Rome+1227 ′+4155 ′152
Trieste Observatory+13 53'+45 39' 400.
Torenis, Pi Nuo, Turin Observatory+7 47'+45 02' 622.
koki no kuma novo+2 1 5 1′+42 16′ 10 13
Hagar qim qrendi+ 14 27 '+35 50 '-
Temple of Mnara, Qrendi+ 14 26'+35 50'-
Nijmegen+5 52 ′+565 438+0 50 ′ 62, Institute of Astronomy, University of Nijmegen.
Observatory of Devonglo Radio Astronomy Foundation +6 24'+52 49' 25
Roden+6 27 ′+53 08 ′12 at Kapteyn Observatory.
Leiden University Observatory Leiden +4 29'+52 09' 12
Utrecht, Lombok Observatory +5 08 '+52 05' 14.
WestPolk Radio Observatory WestPolk+6 36 ′+52 55 ′16
Observatory of Copernicus University, Piwanis+18 33'+53 06' 100.
Aiello University Observatory, Krakow+19 58'+50 04'225.
Ostrovic Observatory of Warsaw University +2 1 25'+52 05' 138
Wroclaw Observatory of Wroclaw University+17 05'+5107'115
Lisbon observatory Lisbon-911'+38 43'11
Bucharest National Observatory Bucharest +26 06 '+44 25' 8 1
Engelhardt Observatory in Kazan+48 49'+55 50' 98
Kazan National University Observatory Kazan +49 07'+55 47' 79
Pulkovo observatory Pulkovo+30 20'+59 46' 75
St Petersburg University Observatory St Petersburg +30 18'+59 57' 3
Special Astrophysics Observatory Jielian Chushka+4127'+43 39' 2100
Robert Jeffrey Sternberg Institute Observatory +37 33'+55 42' 195
Poprad+2015 ′+4911′1783 at the Skana Teplesau Observatory.
Madrid Observatory Madrid -3 4 1'+40 25'670
Lund+1311'+5542' 34, Observatory of Royal Swedish University.
Stockholm Observatory Stockholm+1819'+5916' 60
Swiss Federal Observatory Zurich+8 33 ′+47 23 ′ 469
Istanbul University Observatory Istanbul +28 58 '+4 1 0 1' 65
Sime iz+34 0 1'+44 32'676, Astrophysics Observatory of Crimea.
Kharkov National University Observatory Kharkov +36 14'+50 00' 138
Kiev National University Observatory Kiev+30 30 ′+50 27 ′184
Odessa Observatory Odessa+30 46'+46 29' 60
Malarde Radio Observatory of Cambridge University +0 03 '+52 10' 17.
University of Manchester
Bunknafeld Radio Astronomy Laboratory-218 ′+5314 ′ 78, Derel, England.
Greenwich Observatory, Cambridge, UK +0 06 '+52 13' 30
Emsbury, Stonehenge, England-150'+511'-
Millhill-014'+5137' 81
Royal Observatory in Edinburgh, Scotland-311'+55 56'146
Vatican Observatory Castel Guindol+1239'+4145' 450.
[Editor] Africa
Name, location, longitude, latitude and altitude of abu simbel temple.
Bouzaria at Algiers Observatory+3 02'+36 48' 345.
Aswan +3 1 38'+22 20'-
The sphinx of Giza+3108'+29 59'-
Helwan Observatory Helwan+3123'+29 52'116
Bloemfontein of Boyden Observatory +26 24'-29 02' 1387
South African Observatory of Leiden University+27 53 ′-25 46 ′1220
South Africa Cape of Good Hope Observatory+18 29'-33 56' 18
Sutherland Observatory in South Africa+20 49'-32 23'1771
[Editor] North America
David Dunlop Observatory
Neutrino detector at Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Clark Telescope Dome at Lowell Observatory
Mount Wilson Observatory's 100 inch hook telescope
Macbeth Pierce Solar Telescope at the National Solar Observatory.
305-meter radio telescope at Arecibo Observatory
Yekesh Observatory 40 inches reflecting telescope name location longitude latitude altitude.
Algonquin Radio Observatory on Lake travers, Ontario-78 04 ′+45 57 ′ 260
David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto, Richmond Hill, Ontario -79 25'+43 52' 244
Victoria Autonomous Territory Astrophysics Station in British Columbia-123 25'+48 3 1' 238
Dominion Radio Astrophysics Observatory in pendleton, British Columbia-119 37'+4919' 545
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (closed in 2006) sudbury, Ontario-8110'+46 28'-2073
Chichen itza Observatory in Yucatan Peninsula -88 24'+20 4 1'-
Yucatan Peninsula-89 36'+2105'-
Maya Panyucatan Peninsula -89 1 1'+20 28'-
National Astrophysics Observatory of Tonan Sintra-9819 ′+1902 ′ 2150
Tiotihuacan Mexico Valley -98 5 1'+ 19 42'-
Yucatan Peninsula of Smal-89° 46 '+20° 22 '-'-
University of Alabama Observatory -87 33'+33 13' 87
Kitt Peak National Observatory in Taxen, Arizona-1136'+3158' 2120.
Mount Lemmon Infrared Observatory, Arizona-110 48 ′+32 27 ′ 2776
Lowell Observatory, Flug-11140'+3512' 2219, Arizona.
Stuart Observatory in Tucson, Arizona-110 57'+3214' 757
Stuart Observatory Kite Peak Observatory Tucson, Arizona-11136'+3158' 2071
united states naval observatory
Flug staff station in Flug, Arizona-1144'+3511'2316.
Bell Lake Solar Observatory in Bell City, California-11655'+3415' 2067
Radio Observatory, University of California, Hackcreek-12128'+40 49'1043.
Le Schnarr Observatory, University of California, lafayette, California-122 09'+37 55' 304.
Lake Observatory, University of California, Hamilton Hill, California-12138'+37 21'1290
Mount Wilson Observatory, Haier Observatory-Mount Wilson, California-11804'+3413'1742
Big pine tree in the Observatory of California Institute of Technology-11817'+3714'1236.
Paloma Mountain Observatory, Haier Observatory-Paloma Mountain, California-11652'+33 21'1706.
Institute of Radio Astronomy, Stanford University, California-12211'+37 24' 80
Chamberlin Observatory, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado-10457'+3941'1644.
Radio Observatory of Washington DC Naval Research Laboratory-77 02 ′+38 49 ′ 30
US Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C.-77 04 ′+38 55 ′ 92
Radio Observatory of University of Florida -83 02'+29 32' 8 Old Florida.
Radio Observatory of North Liberty City, University of Iowa-9135'+4146' 241
Iowa State University Riverside Observatory-9134'+4131'221
Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas Observatory -95 15'+38 58' 323
United States Naval Experimental Research Institute
Cape Maryland Observatory on the Maryland River -77 14'+38 22' 20
University of Maryland Observatory College Park, Maryland -76 57 '+39 00' 53
Radio Observatory -72 2 1'+42 24'3 14, Fifth College, New Salem, Massachusetts, USA
Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts -7 1 08 '+42 23' 24
Hastak Observatory, Westford, Massachusetts -7 1 29'+42 37' 146.
Hopkins Observatory, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts -73 12'+42 43' 2 15
Hamilton, Massachusetts-70 49'+42 38' 53, Mount Sagmore Radio Observatory, US Air Force.
Radio Observatory, University of Michigan, Lake Potic, Michigan -83 56 '+42 24' 345
McLean Observatory in Lake Klein, Nevada-119 56'+3918' 2546
Mondl Crawford Mountain Observatory, New Jersey-7411'+40 24'114.
Princeton University Observatory, New Jersey-74 39 ′+40 21′ 43
Cape Mount Observatory, New Mexico-106 24'+34 42' 2842
Comet research observatory in socolow, New Mexico * * * socolow-10711'+33 59' 3235.
Sunspot-10549 ′+3247 ′ 2811,National Solar Observatory, New Mexico, USA.
new mexico state university
Lascroux, New Mexico, zip code:-10710 ′+32 30 ′ 2025.
new mexico state university
Lascroux Seth-10642'+3218'1505 at Jiashan Observatory in Tortu.
Cincinnati Observatory, Cincinnati, Ohio -84 25'+39 08' 247
Ogoni Observatory, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania -80 0 1'+40 29'380
Franklin Institute Observatory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -75 10'+39 58' 30
Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico -66 45'+ 18 2 1' 496
Vanderbilt University
Arthur Dell Observatory in Nashville, Tennessee-86 48 ′+36 03 ′ 345
MacDonald Observatory, University of Texas at Ford Davis, Texas-10401'+30 40' 2075
Millimeter Wave Observatory, Fort Davis, University of Texas, Texas-10402'+3040' 2031
University of Virginia
Reed McCormick Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia -78 3 1'+38 02'264
Greenbank National Radio Observatory, West Virginia -79 5 1'+38 26'836.
Washburne Observatory, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin -89 25'+43 05' 292.
Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago, William Bay, Wisconsin-88 33'+42 34' 334
[Editor] South America
The name, location, longitude, latitude and altitude of the Intercontinental Observatory on Mount Tororo.
Eliza, Argentine Institute of Radio Astronomy -58 08 '-34 52' 1 1
National Observatory of Có rdoba -64 12 '-3 1 25' 434
National university of la plata Observatory La Plata -57 56 '-34 55' 17
Mckenney University
Atibiaya-46 34'-2311'806, Itapayanga Radio Observatory.
National Observatory of Rio de Janeiro -43 13'-22 54' 33
San Diego National Astronomical Observatory San Diego/Cerro Calan-70 33 ′-33 24 ′ 860
Raselli/Tololo Intercontinental Observatory-70 49'-3010' 2215
European Southern Observatory La Serene-70 44'-2915' 2347
Las campana Observatory Las campana -70 42 '-29 0 1' 2282
Bogota Observatory Bogota -74 05 '+4 36' 2640
Quito National Observatory Quito -78 30 '-0 13' 28 18
Machu Picchu Cuzco -72 33'- 13 10'-
Montevideo National Observatory Montevideo -50 13 '-34 55' 24
[Editor] Oceania
Name, location, longitude, latitude and altitude of Australian National Radio Observatory
Parks National Radio Observatory, New South Wales, Australia+148 16 '-33 00' 392
Stron Boluo Mountain Observatory+149 01'-3519' 767
Perth Observatory in Western Australia+11608'-3201'391.
Saidingquan Observatory, New South Wales
konabalanbran/Saidingquan+ 149 04 '-3 1 16 ' 1 149
Moai Stone Statue on Easter Island-109 20'-27 05'-
Auckland National Observatory Auckland+174 47'-36 54' 80
Mount John University Observatory Tekapo Lake+170 28'-43 59'1027
Mount Monaque Observatory in Monaque-155 28'+19 50' 4215.
Keck Observatory in Monaque-155 29'+19 50' 4160.
[Editor] Antarctica
Name, location, longitude, latitude and altitude
Ice cube neutrino detector (under construction) Amundsen-Scott Antarctic Station-13916'-9000'-2452
[edit] space
Hubble Space Telescope Name Location Longitude Latitude Altitude
Low Earth Orbit of Hubble Space Telescope -589000