The Sharp ratio of many funds is not necessarily greater than 1, but positive between 0- 1, indicating that the higher the excess rate of return that funds can obtain by taking unit risks, the better their performance. If the Sharp ratio is less than 0, it will be negative, and it will lose its reference significance.
Sharp ratio, also known as Sharp index, is a standardized index for fund performance evaluation. The study of Sharp ratio in modern investment theory shows that the risk plays a fundamental role in determining the performance of portfolio.
Risk-adjusted rate of return is a comprehensive index that can consider both income and risk, and can eliminate the adverse effects of risk factors on performance evaluation for a long time.
Sharp ratio is one of the three classic indicators that comprehensively consider income and risk. There is a conventional characteristic in investment, that is, the higher the expected return of the investment target, the higher the fluctuation risk that investors can tolerate; Conversely, the lower the expected return, the lower the risk of fluctuation.
Therefore, the main purposes of rational investors in choosing investment objects and portfolios are: to maximize returns under the condition of fixed risks; Or pursue the lowest risk under the fixed expected return.
Attention problem
Problems needing attention in the application of Sharp ratio Although the calculation of Sharp ratio is simple, we should pay attention to the applicability of Sharp ratio in specific applications:
The standard deviation of 1. is used to adjust the risk of return, and the implicit assumption is that the portfolio under investigation constitutes all the investments of investors. Therefore, the Sharp ratio can only be used as an important basis for considering buying a certain fund among many funds.
2. It is also considered inappropriate to use standard deviation as a risk indicator.
3. The effectiveness of Sharp ratio also depends on the assumption that you can borrow at the same risk-free interest rate;
4. Sharp ratio has no benchmark, so its size itself is meaningless, and it is only valuable when compared with other combinations;
5. Sharp ratio is linear, but on the effective frontier, the conversion between risk and return is not linear. Therefore, the Sharp Index is biased in measuring the performance of funds with large standard deviation;
6. Sharp ratio does not consider the correlation between combinations, so there is a big problem in constructing combinations simply according to Sharp value;
7. Sharp ratio, like many other indicators, measures the historical performance of the fund, so it is impossible to simply conduct future operations based on the historical performance of the fund.
8. In calculation, there is another stability problem of Sharp Index: the calculation result of Sharp Index is related to the choice of time span and time interval of income calculation.
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