The money transferred to Yu 'ebao is the purchase of a Zenglibao monetary fund. Open-end money funds are low-risk investment products. From the historical data, there are very few cases of principal loss, and there is no loss record of annualized income.
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Yu 'ebao is a fund management service. Transfer to Yu 'ebao, that is, buy the money fund, and you can enjoy the money fund income; ?
The money fund sales service will be supported by Ant Financial Online Bank, which will cooperate with a number of financial institutions to provide more financial management options. ?
Money funds are mainly used to invest in securities such as government bonds and bank deposits. Investors' purchase of money market funds does not mean that the funds are deposited in banks or deposit-taking financial institutions as deposits. Fund companies do not guarantee that the funds will make a certain profit, nor do they guarantee the minimum income.
reference: / Help _ ID = 257921 "target =" _ blank "title =" Alipay Service Hall-Yubao "> Alipay Service Hall-Yu 'ebao