You should use spare money to buy funds, and never borrow money to invest in funds. It should be noted that different funds face different risks. Funds with higher risks can get good returns, but funds with higher risks may also suffer losses. Therefore, when investing in funds, we should measure our ability to take risks.
When investing in funds, the common types are money funds, mixed funds, index funds and stock funds. None of the above funds can guarantee the safety of the principal when investing, and equity funds have the highest risk. Read the agreement carefully at the time of purchase to understand the investment of funds and the time spent on subsequent redemption.
When investing in funds, users can use the method of fixed investment. When investing in funds, users can choose to buy a certain number of funds on a monthly or weekly basis according to their own income. It takes a long time for the fund to make profits, and there may be losses in the fixed investment of the fund.