Hou Mingfeng, director of Chung Ho Memorial Hospital affiliated to Kaohsiung Medical University.
(Photo by United Daily News reporter Deng Guifen) "Long time no see!" Gao Dingniang, the 88-year-old leader of the Paiwan tribe, led her tribe to visit the president of Kaohsiung Medical University Affiliated Hospital, Hou Mingfeng. When they met, they gave him a big hug and couldn't help wiping tears.
It turned out that the tribe's home was almost taken back by the police due to illegal construction. Fortunately, Hou Mingfeng fought to transform it into the "Naluwan Cultural and Health Station". Not only did the home be saved, but the first floor also became a long-term care base, providing an in-place elderly care center for the tribe.
The medical profession builds Aboriginal long-term care bases. In response to the aging society, the medical system cooperates with long-term care policies to build home community long-term care services. In addition to long-term care ABC bases, it also includes dementia care centers, dementia care bases, and home-based long-term care services.
Medical integrated care, South District New Resident Integration Center, etc., each has its own characteristics.
Currently, two Rizhao centers are under preparation and are expected to be opened next year.
The Naluwan Cultural and Health Station located in Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung is the Changzhao C base and the country's first indigenous care base for non-aboriginal communities built by medical professionals.
"This has a story." Hou Mingfeng said that Xiaogang District used to be an important offshore fishing town, which attracted aborigines to leave their hometowns and come to Xiaogang to work hard. The *** also specially set aside two state-owned houses for them to buy and rent.
However, the good times did not last long. One of the state-owned houses was deemed an illegal building in recent years, and the government announced its withdrawal, which triggered a backlash from the elderly residents.
Aboriginal smart technology equipment also has smart care. Coincidentally, this building is at the back door of Xiaogang Hospital. Hou Mingfeng, the then president, learned of the news and sought cooperation from the Aboriginal Association to transform the building into a cultural and health station so that the elders could go to the hospital in the morning.
There are gatherings on the first floor, and you can go home to rest in the evening. At the same time, two Aboriginal caregivers are hired, and smart technology equipment with Aboriginal culture is introduced to realize the spirit of local care and also have an intelligent care environment.
This move made the elders very grateful.
Not only Naluwan Cultural and Health Station, Kaohsiung Datong Hospital has also set a national precedent by setting up a "Fu Le School" sunshine center in the unused space of Datong Elementary School next to the hospital to encourage elders to bring their grandchildren to school, as well as medical professionals or
College students can support you at any time.
This model attracted the Malaysian team to learn from the experience and successfully replicated it in Kuala Lumpur.
Hou Mingfeng said that an aging society may be accompanied by a declining birthrate. Taking Datong Elementary School as an example, there used to be 8,000 to 9,000 students, but now there are only 236 students left. If the idle space is planned for long-term care use, and medical support is provided at any time,
Combining medical and nursing care services is good for the elderly, and can also reduce the burden of caring for family members and reduce the occurrence of caregiving tragedies.
Picture ▲ "Fu Le School" is the first sunshine center in Taiwan set up in an unused space of an elementary school. The elders enthusiastically participated in the activities.
Medical support keeps long-term care going. Medical support can provide the greatest support for long-term care.
Hou Mingfeng said that Gaoyin’s discharge preparation plan is to seamlessly transition to long-term care services by deploying 18 dedicated personal managers to prevent service interruption.
He emphasized that in order to help the elders age healthily at home, we must put ourselves in their perspective. “What the elders need most is health and companionship.