Net-worth wealth management products are wealth management products that are issued by shares and regularly or irregularly disclose the net value of unit shares. Suitable for people who have certain risk-taking ability and pursue higher returns.
Net worth products regularly disclose product operation announcements, so investors can accurately grasp the investment situation and net worth of net worth products during the investment period, and the product operation is highly transparent. The investment assets of net worth products are highly liquid and the valuation is more transparent. Under the valuation system of market value method, the net value of net worth products can directly reflect the market value of investment assets.
Non-net-worth wealth management products can basically get the principal and expected income in the later period, and non-net-worth wealth management products basically have fixed income. In addition, non-net-worth wealth management products have a fixed investment period and can only be redeemed after the product expires. Investors can purchase and redeem at any time on the open day.